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I never thought that I would say that Kristen hasnt talked to me in over a month.I wish it wasn't true but it is.She denie's rides to school,it's not like she's coming anyway.

She hasn't been to a single party,and she shows up to school with long sleeves and sweats on a hot day.I can't even explain how it feels to look at my best friend knowing that she may never speak to me again,the way my heart aches everytime she looks the other way when I even try to smile or wave at her.

Chris has been telling me it's gonna get better but I'm not sure about that anymore.And now imma bad bitch in her feels,it's April,a bitch ain't in her feels in fucking April damnit.
Not to mention my birthday is this weekend.

My fingers hovered over the send button.I have been so scared to even like one of Kristen's post recently."Just do it Makayla,if she comes maybe you guys can talk"Chris doesnt understand ,he's not a girl. It's really bad when me,a girl,can't read another girl,let alone my bestfriend.

I press down on the send button immediately turning my phone off afterwards."Kayla it can't be that big of a deal"

"okay shut the fuck up Chris"I say Taking a deep breath sliding my fingers through my hair.I was stressing too much.Me and Kristen are together so much and are so close that after a week of Kristen not coming at all my parents noticed I was sad and thought she had literally died.

It's just so unnormal for us to not be together"Wanna smoke it out?"Chris ask with a grin across his face.I genuinely can't smoke because that was me and Kristen's thing.I shake my head no.

"Wanna fuck it out?"I roll my eyes and get out of the car making my way towards the school.I hear heavy footsteps and then fingers sliding into mine"I'm only joking Kayla"

I knew he was joking but I was way to stressed for his jokes and i've been feeling really sick lately.Not to mention that my finals are next month and I don't know shit.

"Makayla if I stuck a fork into an outlet and touched a battery with the other end of the fork would anything happen?"

"Chris what the fuck are you talking about right now"I looked at Chris who looked like he was really thinking.I should've known dating a white man I would hear mess like this,but it's funny so it's fine"yeah aren't forks metal and energy can travel through metal right so like,but what's inside of an outlet?"

Before I can answer Lucas cuts us off "Oh my gosh Makayla are you okay?"What does he mean?Im literally perfectly fine.


"Your eye bags"

oh.I had kinda been awake stalking Kristen and her mutuals last night,it seems creepy but i'm only worried."Oh yeah I'm fine,just stayed up a little too late"I feel Chris's fingers slip out of mine and look to see him taking a photo of me,and by the angle I can tell it's 5x

"Bro get that shit out my face before you sleep on the couch"Lucas looks at me with a concerned look.I have to admit that I have been unnecessarily rude and grumpy lately,I don't know why though.I guess i'm just stressed about Kristen.

"I'm sorry Chris"I say closing my eyes and sighing.This is all too much "So birthday plans?"Lucas asks breaking the silence.I honestly don't know if I really want to have the party but with all this built up stress,what better way to spend your birthday than with the people you love.

"Uh yeah,Chris convinced me to ask Kristen so I texted her"Lucas's expressions very obviously change when she is brought up,everyone's always did when she was brought up now.And every one always ask me if i'm okay because we aren't talking but forget about me,this isnt like her at all.

"Wow,well hopefully she says yes,it's been months"I nod in agreement.

Now when me and Kristen are even in the same room together it feels as if our two worlds collided and we're the only ones there.Its like I can physically feel the distance created between us by her unexplained silence.





I slide into my shorts in the locker room.I genuinely hate gym so much,the only time I like it is when we're walking and talking.Also why the fuck is a big ass bitch who eats wendy's every day for lunch worried about my weight,like hoe you need to be the one running not us.

I look over at Bella and her friends giggling in the corner.That shit makes me mad,just hearing them."Guys you know that one girl,I think her name is Kristen"

One of Bella's minions was talking mighty loud to be tryna talk shit about somebody"Yeah so yesterday me and Jacob were in the car and our houses are really close and I saw her running out of the house and her drunky dad yelling at her"

Drunky?"I don't know how she lives with him he's so embarrassing,they make the neighborhood look poor just by living there"I ball up my fist taking a deep breath.

"If I was her,I would've been killed myself to save me from the embarrassment of having to live in that shit hole"I slam my locker all of them looking over at me.I take the time to tie my hair up,all of the girls watching as I do so.

These bitches really wanna get fucked up.

i walked up to them and they all look at me blankly"Hey Katelyn"I say friendly."Yeah?"
"You got a big ass mouth"I say before punching her in the face.She punches me back so I take her hair and drag her to the floor.This bitch just tugged on my hair oh hell nah.

I continue punching her,at this point she's not punching back but I have too much anger already built up inside of me to stop.I feel arms pulling me off and turn around to see Chloe"Alright chill out Kayla okay?"She says pulling me away and sitting me down.Everyone puts away their phones as soon as the football coach walks in.

"Damnit Makayla"He says helping Katelyn off of the ground.I can't stand these bitches in my soul I woulda fucked all of them up if that big ass coach didn't wanna run for the first time in his life.

I ended up in the office,Chloe staying by my side.I hate to admit it but she was becoming my new Kristen,but nothing nor nobody can replace the love I had and still have for Kristen.Chris opens the door,I see the disappointment in his eyes when he sighs and closes the door behind him. He walks up to me rubbing his thumb over a small bruise on my forehead"I'm sorry"I whisper under my breath.

I've been way to angry recently,i've had such an attitude with everyone and I feel like such a burden.I feel a tear slide down my face"It's okay Makayla"He says kissing my forehead.

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