chapter 3:

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We were on the train to Hogwarts. Draco and I were in an apartment alone. We had the door locked and shutters closed. I was still very scared because of this summer. If I had not aperated I would be dead. I am scared around all males except for Draco. It took some time but I am now also comfortable around Lucius and Snape. I cant have physical touch for very long though and when they move their hands I always flinch. They used to be hurt but now I think they were just pissed.

You guys are probably wondering about my dad. So he was convicted for child abuse no one exept the juery and the people at the case know that he was my father. That is what I wanted. I didn't want to have people pity me. The Malfoys learned pretty quickly to not pity me but everyone else I don't think would understand.

Anyway we are on the train alone. I was cuddled into Draco's side while we were both reading a book. Draco's book was on poisons or something boring like that. I was rereading one of the books Draco gave me for my birthday. It was called The Unknown Goddess by Fern Gold. It was a Greek mythology story where the gods didn't have children with mortals and Hercules was bad. It was one of my favorite books I have ever read. We were around half way through the ride when the apartment door was knocked on. Draco and I jerked up startled. I got up to open the door and Draco made himself presentable. I opened the door and saw the trolly lady. I looked at Draco silently asking if he wanted something. He got up and said "can I get a couple of chocolate frogs and fizzing wizbees" we got some other things too and then we sat back down to eat.

Through the rest of the train ride we were in comfortable silence. We got off the train around last. Snape was the headmaster of Hogwarts. He is letting me stay in Dracos room and skip the welcoming feast. We just had to be at the announcement after the feast. Me and Draco sat where we were set up eating. Migonical came to get us for the announcement we slipped in without anyone noticing and when Snape saw that we were here he started.

Snape said " So you all are probably wondering why we kept you back and the reason is that the wizarding population has gone down by nearly half because of the war so the ministry has decided to pass a marriage law. Which means that you all haft to get married by christmas and one of you be pregnant by this time next year"

There were gaspes of shock and outrage. People yelled and talked over each other until Snape whistled. "We have a list of pairings here when you here your name leave the hall through the side room. The list reads:

Harry potter and ginny wealey

Hermione Granger and Ron Wealey

Seamus Finigin and lavender brown

Luna Lovegood and Neville longbottom.

After those names I stopped paying attention. Me and Draco were one of the last people I was worried about until I heard.

Draco Malfoy and Evie Fern (that's me :) )

We left through the chamber and then saw all the other couples. Some were happy, others weren't. I didn't like being in the crowd and Draco could tell so he led me to our room.

we got into our room (which had one bed) and I flopped onto the bed. Draco laid next to me bringing me into his arms. I cuddled into him. To tell the truth I had had a crush on him but was never planning to actually ask him out. The problem now is that we don't have a choice and we don't have long to plan our wedding.

(I only talk to draco) "we should send a letter to your mom telling her the news and that we have a wedding to plan" I said. Draco nodded, getting up to write the letter. I changed while he was doing that and then slipped under the covers. After a couple of minutes of waiting Draco came to lay next to me. I cuddled into him slowly, falling asleep.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 28 ⏰

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