chapter 2:

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I woke up in a room that looked like a hospital. I was confused until I remembered. I remembered my dad beating me and all the pain I went through. I started to silently sob. There was the sound of a door opening and I looked up. There in the door was draco malfoy. I looked at him in shock. I still had tears streaming down my face. "Why don't you talk? I remember you from school. You were always so shy and you never talked. Your voice is so pretty and so are you. I blush and he leans over, wiping my tears. "Sleep, I will be here when you wake up." That is just what I did. I let myself drift into the peaceful reality of my dreams.

The next time I woke up I felt better. I sat up and looked at my arms and legs. All the cuts had been cleaned and bandaged. I performed a tempus charm and saw it was my birthday. I also saw that it was currently 4:00 am. I was not surprised that it was early 4:00. That was the time my dad made me get up every day to make him breakfast or well he told me to get up then and if I don't get up then I don't have enough time to make breakfast. I would also get severly beaten if I didn't get up at that time.

After an hour or two Draco came in. He was nicely dressed and looked good. After the war we did actually find out that the malfoys were mind controlled for both wars. Draco was just doing what his parents told him to do so none of them are in jail.

"Hey, how long have you been up?" Draco asked. I looked at a clock that I noticed a couple of minutes after I woke up and saw it was 6:00 am. I held up two fingers indicating two hours as a response. He was surprised so he asked "2 hours?" I nodded and he looked kind of sorry for me. He handed me a notebook and started to interrogate me some more. Some of the questions were like what's your favorite color, or favorite place to visit. There were also some about my abuse. I tried my best to answer the questions but it is honestly hard to do.

After a couple more hours I was discharged from the hospital and Draco said that I was going to be living with them for the rest of the summer. We were shopping for new clothes when I accidentally let it slip that it was my 17th birthday. (I started Hogwarts when I was 10 because I got the letter no one knows why I came early but whatever) he was surprised (no one except the teachers knew how old I was) but proclaimed that he would have to have a party for me soon. I laughed thinking that he was joking (he wasn't).

After buying more clothes then I wanted to (Draco made me). We headed to Draco's manor and were met by his parents. I was nervous because his parents, when they were being controlled by Voldemort, caught me and torchered me for a couple of hours. I have a couple of scars from it but I doubt they remember that.

When they greeted me Draco's mother hugged me and I was honestly shocked. My mom died when I was really little and I had been abused by my dad for so long that I was not used to physical affection.

I hugged her back and was kind of thankful when Draco pulled her off me. "Mother be gentle, she still has some broken ribs and has almost never had positive touches before" he said. I was relieved that I didn't have to do that.

The next few weeks I was getting comfortable with the Malfoy's. About three weeks after my birthday Draco took me out to do something and when we got back I was surprised that they had set us a birthday party for me there wasn't anyone except for the malfoys and Severus snape who was there (this was not the first time seeing Severus and he still didn't know I saved his life.) I was confused for a minute until I realized that it was a party for me. I looked at Draco and he nodded. I hugged him in thanks, clinging to him, and of course crying. No one had ever done something like this. Heck my father beat me and that is all I had ever had happen to me on my birthday.

Let's just say that day was one of the happiest days of my life. The presents I got were:

From Draco I got a phoenix necklace with a note that said: to signify that you have burned but you will rise from the ashes and be more beautiful than ever.

Also from Draco a couple of fantasy books.

From Severus a couple of positions books ( I am very good at positions)

From Draco's mom she got me a couple of dresses and some skin care stuff.

From Draco's dad he got me a necklace with a rose (the metal was rose gold) on it, a matching bracelet and earrings.

I got a bunch of stuff for school too and a recurve bow.

We had cake. After that it was strawberry cheesecake which was my favorite. We played games for a while until I was tired. Since I have arrived you have grown a love for both Quidditch and board games.

The rest of the summer months I spent time with Draco and his family. I learned that I am very good at Quidditch and that I enjoy reading books. One of my favorite books were the books Draco gave me. I love the fantasy Me and draco have all our stuff and we were ready to go to Hogwarts.

Evie MalfoyDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora