Same average boring day

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Aya gets awakened by her alarm clock, she groans and moves around in her bed before finally waking up.

She goes to the bathroom and does her usual morning routine, pee, wash her hands, brush her teeth, eat breakfast, put on clothes, scroll on Instagram while doing a simple makeup look on the floor, and then leave the house to go to work.

She walks to the elevator to see that it's broken, she sighs. After walking down 9 stories she leaves her apartment building and walks through the busy streets of New York. When she gets to the subway station she gets on the train and when she arrives at the cafe she is greeted by her boss with a bunch of work tasks, as always.


Joseph gets awakened by his alarm clock, he wakes up immediately and looks at the skyscrapers out of his big window.

He walks to the bathroom and does his usual morning routine, pee, wash his hands, brush his teeth, get served breakfast by the chef, put on clothes, look at his work schedule while picking out a watch, and leave for work.

He walks to his elevator which takes him down to the garage. He looks at his different cars and struggles with which one to pick, he eventually picks the gray Porsche since it matches his shirt. He drives to work and greets his secretary with a bunch of work tasks, as always.


After hours of Aya having to deal with screaming children, angry ladies with short blond hair, and teenage girls taking Instagram pictures it is finally time for lunch. As she takes off her apron her boss stops her. "Aya wait!"

She looks at her confused. "Yes?"

"I need you to deliver this cake for me, the delivery man got sick."

Aya sighs quietly. "But I have lunch now."

Her boss gives her an annoyed look and points at the address on the box. "Aya. Every day you go eat lunch at the same place, the building you have to deliver this cake to is next to your beloved restaurant."

Aya grabs the box. "Fine." She leaves the cafe and starts walking to that address, she suddenly gets a call from her best friend, Summer. "Hi, Summer!"

"Where are you? You're usually not this late."

Aya sighs. "Miss Mademoiselle wanted me to deliver a cake for her." She says in a mocking tone.

They both laugh. "No, but I'm at the place now i'll be there soon."

She closes her phone and looks up at the tall building.


As Joseph is on the phone with his work buddy, Alex, his secretary Faith walks in. "Sir you have a delivery."

He puts his finger by the speaker. "What delivery?"

"Cake delivery."

He looks around for a while trying to remember what he ordered a cake for. "Okay well go take it or something, what do you want ME to get out there and accept the cake?"


The sweet lady at the front desk gets back to Aya. "I'm sorry he is busy right now but I can take it." Aya gives her the cake. She takes one last look at the building before exiting.  I wish I could work in a place like that. She thinks for herself.


When Faith goes back to the office with the cake Joseph stops her. "Are we celebrating something?" Faith chuckles but her smile slowly fades away she realizes he isn't joking.

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