Conqueror of Flames

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Yes I know it's been a while. Life, work and also just a lack of motivation tend to delay things don't they?

*3rd POV*

We see a panning shot of the forest canopy before we spot a bird. Then after a few moments the bird was spooked and flew off when Kaval and his party come tearing through the forest. Kaval was currently arguing with Eren and Gido.

Eren was yelling, "Let me remind you Kaval, that this is your fault! Why would you stick your sword into a nest of Giant Ants?!"

At that Kaval responds, "Sh-Shut up! I'm the leader - What I saw goes!"

Eren then yells back, "A leader should probably make smarter decisions, then!"

Gido only lets out a small "Ugh" as they keep running.

Eren the yells again, "If I die I'm going to come back as a ghost and haunt you at night, Kaval!"

Kaval only lets out a laugh before yelling, "Good luck with that!! I'll be a ghost right alongside you!"

Shizu who had stay quiet then stopped and spoke calmly, "I'll hold them off."

Gido, looking back, yelled, "Uh... Shizu?! Hey don't do it!!"

But Shizu remained calm, "Do not worry about me. Even now, I am still capable of helping you escape. If I use," she said as she unsheathed her sword, "The power of flames."

The ants now seeing this human standing up to them with a flaming sword paused but in that pause Shizu was able to cut down 3 of the 4 ants.

The other 3 only looked in shock when Eren spoke, "What's up with that flame anyway?!"

But they she the yelled, "It's not over Shizu! There's one you didn't finish off!!"

However then a voice yelled, "Get down!" Before the last ant was struck with black lightning killing the ant and sending Shizu's mask bouncing on the ground.

After a short period of shock they heard a voice coming from the smoking crater where the ant was, "Whoa, That took me by surprise. I was trying to take it easy but that was still way overboard."

Then another voice spoke from above them as a pair of shadows covered them, "Might want to stash that skill for when you might need it Rimuru." Said a rumbling but female voice.

The first voice responded, "Yes ma'am."

Then a third voice rumbling like the second but male, "Well Rimuru looks like what I told you was right."

The smoke then finished clearing. Before the party of four adventurers was a slime and two moderately sized Wyverns.

Kaval breaking free of his stun stammered out, "A slime. And two wyverns."

Rimuru gave an affirmation. Before he asked if there was something wrong with that. Kaval said no.

Rimuru then bounced over to Shizu and began talking with her, "Here's your mask. This belongs to you right miss?"

He asked if she was injured from his attack and she simply said, "No ... I'm fine." Rimuru then remembered the face of the woman that the elves in Dwargon said was his 'Fated One' was, she then continued speaking

"You saved me, thank you."

After a few more moments it became clear that the adventures lost a large majority of their gear. So after some more conversation with the occasional interjection from Grim and Flora. They all began walking towards the village after Shizu picked up Rimuru and began talking to him through a hushed conversation that the rest of the party couldn't hear. Apart from Grim and Flora of course the benefit of being Wyverns.

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