Awakening and First Flight

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*First, Happy Christmas everyone. Yes it's been a while but writing should be going faster now that I have 15 volumes of the Manga/Light Novel*

'Oh my head hurts.' I thought as I began to stir the last thing I remembered was naming Zino with my dear and then the two of us passing out.

As I began opening my eyes I saw a pair of female goblins, though they didn't look like how they did before we passed out. One of them was holding still waking up Rimuru in her lap. I also noticed that there was a weight on my side. And looking over was my dear Flora still asleep.

Nudging her slightly seemed to cause her to stir a little. After a few more nudges she also began to wake up. She made a small squawk as she woke up drawing the attention of the other female goblin.

She quite quickly stood up and stuck her head just outside of the large tent we were in and yelled to what we assumed were the others, "Lord Grim and Lady Flora are awake!" She yelled.

She then jogged over to us before taking a knee in front of us at which I noticed that she seemed to have some scales along her arms and her legs. At a cursory glance one could mistake them for scales off a small Rathian. She then spoke again, "My lords, it is nice that you are awake again." She said with thinly veiled excitement.

"How long were we out for?" I asked in a low grumble, after all I had just woken up.

She jumped a little at my voice since again I had just woken up and was a little grumpy because of it.

"My name is Beatrice, my lord." She said.

At that Flora, who was finally lucid again, spoke, "I remember you, you were one of the Goblins I named." She said.

At that Bea smiled, "For that I am eternally grateful for, my lady." She said, bowing her head.

After that we heard a surprised yelp? Come from over where Rimuru was. Looking over we saw that Rimuru was awake and with his awakening caused Rigurd to walk in. And he was not the old gobbling he once was standing over Rimuru who was shocked at the change he had undergone.

Rigurd then told Rimuru that the feast was almost ready for us. At that we got up, with a little protest coming through [Royal Bond] from Flora, "I was comfy damnit!" She exclaimed standing up. I noticed that we had grown again. Now being fully grown Raths, though still on the smaller side.

As we walked out of the tent we came across another pair of goblins, one being female, the other male. Rimuru looked confused but he likely forgot that Veldora explained that names hold a lot of value to monsters. More power and obviously physical changes.

Soon after we spotted two wolves standing in front of us both being about the same size. One was the wolf that Rimuru had named Ranga. He stood above Rimuru looking down looking intimidating. Apart from his tail wagging so fast that he was forming a small cyclone.

The other was a Zinogre. Also on the smaller side standing at about the same size as Ranga though a little taller. She then spotted us and walked over before bowing her head to me and Flora. "I am happy to see that you have awakened my lords." She said.

Looking her over it didn't take a genius to realize that the Zinogre in front of us was Zino. The daughter of the Direwolf alpha that we had named. Her tail was also wagging though it was brushing the ground causing some of her fur to start standing on end as she built up static.

Greeting Zino back we began walking towards the rest of the goblins, [My lord and lady those around you are no longer merely Goblins] said a voice. Looking over to Flora she was also confused.

Speaking in my head I asked the voice who it was and it responded, [I am a part of Royal Bond, I am to serve as an Advisor to you and your Lady] said Advisor. At this I just accepted it and so did Flora. Rimuru told us about Great Sage while we were trying to find our way out of the cave.

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