Chapter Ten: Fractured Alliances

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As Prince Lorcan's concubines continued to bask in the luxury of the palace, rumors of the prince's indulgences reached Eris. Deeply troubled by the situation, Eris sought an audience with Lorcan in a desperate attempt to persuade him to reconsider his decisions.

He found Lorcan lounging in his opulent chambers, surrounded by his concubines who were entertaining him with music and laughter. The scene only heightened Eris's sense of unease, and he took a moment to compose himself before speaking.

"Your Highness, may I have a word in private?" Eris asked, his voice laced with concern.

Lorcan glanced at him, his expression nonchalant. "Very well. Concubines, give us a moment." With a wave of his hand, the prince dismissed them, leaving him alone with Eris.

Once they were alone, Eris spoke earnestly. "Lorcan, your decision to bring concubines into the palace is causing unrest among the council and your people. Please consider sending them away for the sake of stability."

Lorcan leaned back in his chair, a hint of amusement in his eyes. "Eris, your concerns are noted, but I find their presence enjoyable. They bring me much-needed diversion from the burdens of ruling."

Eris shook his head, frustrated. "You risk alienating your allies and jeopardizing your reputation. This is not just about your own pleasure, but the future of the kingdom."

Lorcan's expression hardened, his tone stern. "You speak as though you have no lovers of your own, Eris. Do not forget your own dalliances, for you too have chosen the path of romance over duty."

Eris flinched, his heart heavy with sadness. "That is not the same, Lorcan. I do not parade my relationships in front of the council, nor do I allow them to influence my decisions."

Lorcan waved a dismissive hand. "Your opinions are your own, Eris. I will not be lectured on how to live my life. Remember your place and do not cross the line."

Eris's frustration deepened, and he realized he could not sway Lorcan. His heart sank as he sensed the growing rift between them. "Your Highness, I only wish to protect you from making a grave mistake."

"Your concern is appreciated," Lorcan replied coolly, "but unnecessary. My path is clear, and I will not be dissuaded."

With a heavy heart, Eris left the prince's chambers, his attempt at reason failing. As he walked away, he couldn't shake the feeling that Lorcan was pushing him away from the seat of power, perhaps even the throne itself.

Eris confided in his own lovers, the main characters of the novel, sharing his concerns about Lorcan's behavior and its potential impact on the kingdom. The news troubled them deeply, for they had always respected the prince's leadership.

They listened intently as Eris spoke of Lorcan's dismissive attitude and his refusal to heed warnings. The more they heard, the more they realized the prince's actions could have dire consequences for the kingdom's future.

Determined to protect their home and the legacy of the royal family, Eris and his lovers vowed to keep a close watch on Lorcan and intervene if necessary. But for now, they could only watch and wait, hoping the prince would come to his senses before it was too late.

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