Chapter Two: A Prince's Disregard

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Vandal, now inhabiting the body and identity of Prince Lorcan, couldn't contain his amusement. He burst into laughter as he took in the opulence of the room around him. "Well, well," he mused, stretching out on the luxurious bed. "Looks like I hit the jackpot!"

The woman who had greeted him, dressed in elegant attire befitting her station, was taken aback by his nonchalance. "Your Highness," she began, her voice trembling slightly, "this is no laughing matter. We feared for your life after the attack. You must be more careful in the future."

Vandal waved her off dismissively, a smirk on his lips. "Oh, relax, my dear! I'm tougher than you think. A little accident won't take me down so easily!" He adjusted the ornate robe he wore, reveling in the silky texture against his skin. "Besides, it seems I've been given an upgrade in life. Prince Lorcan, huh? Not bad at all!"

The woman, trying to maintain her composure, took a deep breath. "Your Highness, you must remember your responsibilities. The kingdom relies on you for guidance and leadership. Perhaps you should—"

Vandal interrupted her with a theatrical sigh. "Ugh, responsibilities! Sounds like a lot of work. Can't I just enjoy the perks of being a prince for a while? How about you fetch me some wine instead?"

The woman's eyes widened in shock at his flippant attitude, but she nodded politely. "Of course, Your Highness. I shall have the finest vintage brought to you immediately." She hurried off to fulfill his request.

As Vandal lounged on the bed, his mind raced with possibilities. Being a prince in a fantasy world could have its perks. He was used to bending people to his will, and this time would be no different. He planned to take full advantage of his newfound status.

Moments later, a young servant entered the room, carrying a tray with a crystal decanter and a delicate glass. "Your Highness, the finest wine as requested," the servant announced with a bow.

Vandal took the glass with a flourish, swirling the wine before taking a sip. "Ah, delightful!" he exclaimed, savoring the taste. "Tell me, what's the first order of business around here?"

The servant hesitated for a moment before replying. "Your Highness, there are many matters that require your attention. The council wishes to meet with you to discuss the kingdom's current state. Also, your engagement with the male lead must be addressed."

Vandal's grin widened. "Oh, the male lead! Right, I'm supposed to be head over heels for him, aren't I?" He chuckled, the absurdity of the situation tickling him. "Well, I don't play by the rules. Let the council know I'm not interested in following any scripts."

The servant's expression shifted to one of concern, but he nodded. "As you wish, Your Highness. I shall relay your message."

As the servant departed, Vandal leaned back on the bed, raising his glass in a toast to his new life. "Here's to being a prince!" he declared with a triumphant laugh. Whatever this strange new world had in store, Vandal was ready to take it on with his trademark bravado and unyielding spirit.

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