Chapter Three: The Council's Dilemma

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Vandal, now fully settled into his role as Prince Lorcan, continued to enjoy his new life without a care in the world. He indulged in the luxuries of the palace, spending his days lounging in opulent chambers and nights feasting on the finest delicacies. His cocky demeanor amused the palace staff, who had never seen their prince behave in such a cavalier manner.

However, his laissez-faire attitude began to stir unease among the members of the royal council. They had grown accustomed to the old Lorcan, who had been devoted to his duties and engaged in the affairs of the kingdom. Now, faced with a prince who seemed more interested in amusement than governance, they realized they needed to take action.

One evening, as Vandal was lounging on a plush chaise longue, the doors to his chambers swung open, and the members of the council entered with an air of urgency. Vandal raised an eyebrow, curious about their unexpected arrival. "Well, well, look who's come to visit me! What's the occasion?" he asked, his voice dripping with sarcasm.

The head councilor, a stern older man with a long white beard, stepped forward. "Your Highness, we must speak with you about matters of great importance. The kingdom faces numerous challenges that require your attention."

Vandal leaned back, a playful grin on his lips. "Challenges, you say? Do tell. I'm all ears."

The head councilor hesitated, seemingly taken aback by the prince's lack of seriousness. "Your Highness, the economy is in dire need of your leadership. There are disputes along the borders that demand your intervention. And your engagement with the male lead—"

Vandal cut him off with a dismissive wave of his hand. "Ugh, enough about the male lead! I'm tired of hearing about that. Tell him to find someone else to swoon over."

The council members exchanged uneasy glances, sensing the difficulty in reasoning with the prince. "Your Highness, your engagement is of utmost importance to the stability of the realm," another council member implored. "The people expect their prince to uphold his commitments."

Vandal chuckled, his eyes twinkling with amusement. "Oh, I'm sure they'll get over it. Besides, who says I can't find my own path? I'm not one to follow the script."

The head councilor tried a different approach. "Your Highness, the people need a strong and decisive leader. We implore you to take your role more seriously, for the sake of the kingdom."

Vandal sat up, his playful demeanor fading slightly. "Listen, old man, I didn't ask for this gig, but since I'm stuck with it, I'll do things my way. If you don't like it, you're free to leave." His tone was laced with a hint of warning.

The councilors, realizing the futility of their arguments, bowed their heads respectfully. "As you wish, Your Highness," the head councilor said, his voice resigned. "We only ask that you consider the well-being of your people."

As the councilors filed out of the room, Vandal reclined once more, the grin returning to his face. "Well, that was a lively chat!" he mused to himself. "Now, back to enjoying my princely life!"

Though Vandal remained confident in his approach, the council's concerns lingered in the back of his mind. For the first time, he realized that his carefree attitude might have consequences, not just for himself but for the kingdom as a whole. However, he brushed aside the thought and returned to his revelry, determined to live life on his own terms.

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