Joining the school of Heroins and Taimanins

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Momo: Lead the way! Sakura, let's go!

Sakura: Right behind you!*following Ochako as Momo did the same*

(Goku's home)

Momo:*looking at the house* So this is where he lives.

Ochako:*floats down deactivating her quirk* It's looks... peaceful.

Sakura: But... why would he saved us from the city to here?*hears a firing blast* Huh?

Momo: It's coming from the lake!

As the three head to the lake, they see the same person who saved him practicing his ki blast.

Goku: Ha!*fire his blue ki blast making huge waves on the lake* Ok, that's enough for now. Hmm?*turns around seeing Momo, Ochako and Sakura* Oh! It's you three!

Momo: Yes, it's us. We haven't introduced ourselves. My name is Momo Yaoyorozu and these are my two friends, Ochako Uraraka and Sakura Igawa. Where from a school full of heroins and taimanins.

Goku: A school full of heroins and taimanins? That must be something.

Sakura: Oh yeah it is.*seeing his muscular figure* Especially that hot look you have.

Goku: Huh?

Momo: *annoyed*Sakura.

Sakura: Hehe, sorry.

Ochako: Forgive her, she always teasing.

Musashi: Goku? What's going on?

Goku:*turns around seeing Musashi walking towards him* Oh, I'm just talking to the three heroins that I save yesterday.

Musashi: Really?*looks at them* Well I'll be.

Sakura (thoughts):*stares at Musashi feeling her enormous power* Woah...that woman's energy is off the charts.

Goku: So, what brings you three here?

Ochako: We came here from the orders of Nana Shimura and Asagi Igawa. We wanna recruit you before our enemies found out.

Goku: Uh, sure I'll go to your school.

Musashi: I'll join to. I wanna see what the school is like.

Ochako: Alright, we did it!

Sakura: are we gonna get out of the forest?

Goku: Oh, I can teleport to your school no problem. Touch my back.

Momo: Are you sure this will work.

Musashi: Trust me, he knows what he's doing.

All of them did as Goku put his two fingers in his forehead locating Nana Shimura's energy.

Goku: Found it. Get ready everyone.*uses instant transmission to teleport himself and the rest to their school*

(School - Asagi's office)

Asagi: I hope they're not too late.

Nana: Have faith Asagi. I'm pretty sure they-*sees Goku and the others appears out of nowhere* What the!?

Asagi: Ngh!?

Goku: *looks around* So, this is your school?

Momo: Y-Yes, this is our school.*sees Nana and Asagi* Ms. Shimura, Ms Asagi, we've brought Goku.

Ochako: And his friend too.

Nana:*shakes her head from the shock* Y-Yes well done you three.

Goku:*turns around seeing Nana and Asagi* You must be Nana that Momo, Ochako and Sakura talked about.

Nana:*smiles* Yes, nice to meet you Goku. I'm Nana Shimura and this is the principal and my close friend, Asagi.

 I'm Nana Shimura and this is the principal and my close friend, Asagi

Ups! Gambar ini tidak mengikuti Pedoman Konten kami. Untuk melanjutkan publikasi, hapuslah gambar ini atau unggah gambar lain.

Asagi: And we welcomed you to our school.

Musashi: Oh, so this is what the three girls are talking about

Ups! Gambar ini tidak mengikuti Pedoman Konten kami. Untuk melanjutkan publikasi, hapuslah gambar ini atau unggah gambar lain.

Musashi: Oh, so this is what the three girls are talking about.

Goku: So, why did two you send Momo, Ochako and Sakura to go look for me?

Asagi: Because you are the only male in this world that have powers. That's why Nana and I send them to find you before Edwin Black or maybe All For One's forces get to you first.

Sakura: Good thing they lived in the forest.

Ochako/Momo: Hmm.*nodded their heads*

Goku: I see. That makes sense now.

Nana: Indeed. But not to worry, we'll have your new room for the two of you.

Musashi: Actually, make it three.

Asagi: Three?

Nana: Why's that?

Goku: Because Leo wants to stay with us too and he's still at home at the forest.

Asagi: Not a problem, we'll make your room bigger. Momo, Ochako, Sakura, show these two around the school.

Momo: Yes, Ms Asagi. Please follow us you two.

Ochako: Well introduce to our friends while on our way.

Goku: Well, I don't mind.

Musashi: Lead the way you three.

Asagi:*sees them walking away till she stares at Musashi* That woman...her power feels... familiar.

To be continued...

Updated: 04/28/2024 - 8:59 a.m. - 8:54 a.m.

Published: 04/29/2024 - 8:54 a.m. - 8:55 a.m.

The Only Male Who Has The Power of Son GokuTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang