6.one French woman for everyone.

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Kitty didn't show up that night. The guys got worried and then decided that she decided not to arouse Carson's suspicions and calmed down. they drank a liter of beer each and went for a walk down the street.

-guys, look what kind of chick is grazing -because of the peculiarities of metabolism, Buster, after a sip of beer, turned into a lustful animal-he had to kill her. Hey, do you want me to introduce you to my boyfriend?
-only if you have it big enough for my tunnel,- the stranger replied.
-No fucking way... That's a slut,- whispered Buster .
-My name is Sally Panda. I have read the Kama Sutra twenty times from cover to cover and I have such secret techniques that you never even dreamed of. Shall we go to my place or to yours?
-Um, come on to us,-Buster replied.

when all four of them entered the house, Buster took off his shoes in a hurry and said:

-so you fuck off to the kitchen, you can eat there, drink coffee.

then he hugged Sally And went into the room, which by the way was the only one in the house. and fortunately for the guys, there were 3 beds there. But at that moment, one was enough for Buster and Sally.

-Unclothe yourself, rabbit,- Sally muttered, trying to look sexier.

A couple of minutes later, Buster came out into the kitchen in a bathrobe with a satisfied face.

-She's fucking awesome, dudes.
-Who's next?-Sally shouted.
-I am!!!- screamed The torture Saber, who dreamed of finally losing his virginity, screamed and ran into the room, taking off his pants on the move. In Tyumen, compared to Washington, only nuns live.

-what the fuck is next...- muttered Buster, still not sober, - I thought You were mine forever...

Saber didn't last long either, and the green Jester went into battle next, which lasted about 5 minutes. But it seems that this was not enough for Sally. She went into the kitchen, lit a cigarette and asked the guys to call someone else.

-a nymphomaniac...-Buster muttered.
-why call someone, we can handle it ourselves. We can go around the second circle,- the green jester suggested.
-Well, then the three of you better come in at once," Sally said and went into the room. The boys followed her.

after the second attempt to satisfy the crazy nymphomaniac, the guys fell asleep right on the floor. Sally went to the shower and for some reason stayed there until 6 a.m.and when she came out, she shook the guys so that they would not be late for the institute:

-Hey bunnies, wake up, it's time for you to go to the charade.

As soon as he opened his eyes Saber muttered:

-Sally, I want to talk to you.
-And I want to!
-and me too.
-So let's take turns. I don't think you'll even be late for your fucking college. You and I don't have very long conversations.

Sally was waiting for each of the guys in the bathroom and when the last one came out, she gathered everyone in the kitchen.

-Of course, I'm a little upset that each of you invited me to really talk. And I'm pleasantly surprised that each of you suggested that I date. I'll tell you what, I feel the same way about all three of you. and if you take into account your abilities, then I need at least Three guys like you, and ideally, of course, seven is better. so I'm ready to become your mutual girlfriend. Is everyone happy with this?

the guys nodded approvingly. On the way to the institute, they came up with a schedule of dates with Sally. It was simple. on the first day, Sally belonged to Buster, on the second to the green jester, on the third to Saber, and on the fourth day she rested and continued in a circle. However, when Sally found out about such a schedule, she did not like it. The "day off" had to be deleted from the Schedule.

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