1.welcome to school number 68.

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2024 year, Russia, Tyumen.

Tyumen-one of the most dangerous cities in impoverished Russia . It is also its capital. Locals are crazy about alcohol and drugs. and promiscuous sexual relations can be safely called a local tradition. It was from Tyumen that one of the most famous governors of Russia, Allison Bairen, was born. by the beginning of the 21st century, the power of Tyumen had almost completely weakened. and the president of Russia was in the same miserable position as the president of Ukraine at the beginning of the 20th Century. No one even knew the name of the head of state. City governors began to do whatever they wanted. Alison Bairen was no exception. during his reign, the people dubbed the euphonious phrase "the storyteller". Indeed, under Alison, the left-leaning agenda reached its apogee, or even say so: apo-gaia. Every traditional family was forced to shelter one gay man. It was called "gay overexposure." Every homosexual received a basic income of "welfare", and was exempt from any work. Gay pride parades were held in the city every day, for which Alison  allocated huge amounts of money.in the end, the Tyumen economy was covered by the very female organ that did not attract Alison at all. and the hungry people, hating homosexuals, rebelled against the "the storyteller" and arranged for Alison to be lynched. The governor was caught and put on a bottle in the main square of the city. A twenty - liter bottle . Strangely enough, Alison not only survived, but his personality was completely transformed. The governor fell to his knees and began to wail :

-Citizens of Tyumen, I'm sorry, I was an asshole! I was an asshole!!

Later, during his lifetime, a monument was erected to Alison on the outskirts of the city. They wrote on the pedestal: "Citizens, I'm sorry, I was an asshole." after the public execution, Alison settled on the outskirts of the city and led a quiet, unapologetic Life as an ordinary resident of Tyumen and the scientists of the "Gilbert facility"they began to study the mysterious phenomenon of personality transformation under the influence of a bottle in the anus . during the experiments, all the prisoners of the city were poisoned (despite their loud protests), all prisons were closed. America no longer needed them. Japanese scientists have founded a new direction in science - psychoproctology and opened a new high school in the city:

School number 68

despite the flourishing of science, the townspeople, feeling freedom from the "the storyteller," began to drink, smoke, inject, fuck and break the law more than ever. Young people dreamed of joining the gopnik subculture or organizing their own gang. It was not uncommon to find people beaten up by bandits or who had lost their memory from burnt vodka on the streets. 

One of these young men, about 25 years old, was found unconscious on the street by the head of the Department of Psychoproctology of Tyumen, Dr. William Afton . Dr. Afton took the guy to school, which at that time was a scientific center, a hospital and an educational institution at the same time. the guy was given a couple of enemas with fuflomycin. Anal probing was performed and the point S was massaged. Dr. Afton knew a lot about first aid. The patient woke up but his memory never returned. He didn't remember anything about his past life, not even his name.and no one could put his photo in the database and determine who he was. Under the "narrator ", all databases were destroyed because it violated the personal boundaries of citizens. especially gays.

The medical staff called this guy just a the green jester . Soon he began to associate himself with this nickname. When it's time to check out. The Green jester  realized that he had nowhere to go and that he did not know where his home was . Dr. Afton suggested that he enroll in school number 68, because then he would be given a dormitory, but there were several months left before the admission of applicants. Therefore, to leave the green jester to live in the ward. Dr. Afton gave him several frivolous diagnoses that together constitute a serious reason for hospitalization, namely sphyntectomy asphyxia, gripper, colds and depressive asthenic syndrome.

Dr. Afton did not allow the green jester to walk down the Street for a long time, because Times in Tyumen were difficult and there were a lot of gopnik on the street, so the green jester read books on psychoproctology for long and boring evenings, then "stories of influential families" caught His eye. The green Jester remembered the following three stories:

"The Demchenko family is one of the richest families in Tyumen . The family began their career in the USA, where they created weapons. The Demchenko family invented many pistols and shotguns, thereby optimizing their first million dollars. Then the family returned to Russia, where they opened the production of these weapons and began selling them to Poles who were going to immigrate to the United States. 1st place in the list of Formulas. "

and also about the fairytale Ty and Koly ...

when the long months of waiting finally passed . The green jester came to the admissions committee of Tyumen.

-what is your name?- the woman who accepted the documents asked.

-Ummmmm uhhh... Everyone calls me the green jester

-I need your name to sign the contract and enter you into the enrollment order.
-Well, I don't have a name, If you need it so much, you can come up with it yourself.

-well, I will come up with a name for you so that it is immediately clear that you are studying in Tyumen.

the girl filled out some papers for a couple of minutes, then finally gave the green jester his copy of the teaching agreement. his new name was on the document -Gron Takaliken.

when Lisa cries .Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora