30. Bowser and Peach

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Your POV

"When's dinner ready? I'm hungr..."

Rindou stood in the doorframe with his mouth agape. "In the kitchen? We have to eat the food from in here y'all! Sanzu you filthy animal!" He turned around and walked away.

You hopped from the kitchen counter and fixed your outfit. Sanzu couldn't believe what he had just been called. "Why am only I the filthy animal?!" You just giggled at his comment.

Sanzu left the kitchen after you told him to wait outside, so that you could finish dinner for everyone in peace without any more distractions.


Everyone loved your homemade meal. "This is so much better than fastfood!" Ran took another big bite out of his chicken leg. "Fastfood? I thought you had that chef cooking for you at home?" "Yeah mostly, but when we are on missions, we often have to get something outside." "Missions?" you asked him, he chocked on his food.

"What Ran wanted to say was, when we are outside meeting business partners and clients, we often have to eat at cheap restaurants." Kakucho explained Rans weird phrasing. "Ah okay, don't get me wrong, I thought your business partners were as wealthy as you and would eat at expensive restaurants. Can't picture y'all wearing suits at mc donalds." you smiled at the image in your head.

"Enough with the food, what are our plans for tonight?" Rindou changed the topic. Sanzu got an idea "This ehm.. airbnb has some old gaming consoles hiding in the cabinet underneath the tv. I found a wii earlier today. We could play mario cart and drink."

"Sounds great! I haven't played that in a long time, I was a champion back in the days!" You flexed your muscles. "Sure thing babygirl, less talking more action!" Ran picked you up and threw you over his shoulder, then carried you to the livingroom.

"I'll pick bowser." You stated. "I like him, sometimes I think about his point of view. What if he fell in love with Peach and she with him too. Madly in love they ran away to his castle and he locked her in there for safety reasons. Mario is just the crazy stalker ex and Bowser is only protecting her. Everyone pictures him as the villain, but true love can't be evil or does it? What do y'all think, am I crazy?"

The room went silent, you didn't know if you said something wrong. Kakuchos face was pale and Sanzu smiled weirdly at you. What did I say? It's the crazy Bowser theory isn't it? Maybe they are Mario fans. Oh no, I have to say something... I have to save the conversation somehow..they are all staring at me!

"Sanzu has to pick Peach based on his hair color and Ran and Rindou as Wario and Waluigi for wearing purple. Kakucho what do you think?" Help me Kaku, sayyyy something! They needed a moment to regain their abilities to speak, Rindou was the first one to realize something. "If Bowser and Peach are in love, then I pick Peach!" "No Wario, I'm Peach, fuck off!" Sanzu threw his controller at Rindou, but he dodged it. Ran started to laugh "I never thought you two would be fighting over who would be the pink princess between the both of you!" "Shut up!" they hissed at him in unison.

The atmosphere was back to normal and everyone picked their favorite character, unfortunately nobody picked Mario. The crazy stalker vibes are now branded onto him somehow.  Sorry Mario!


This time you beat Kakus ass. It was a nice revenge for your twister fiasco. "There you have it, Kaku, 1:1 now!" "It's not about winning, I just want to have a good time." "Yeah, that's what losers say!" You mocked him and stuck your tongue out at him. "Continue with that behavior and I have to teach you manners." He warned you and you put your tongue back in. He was scary, but your vagina had a different understanding of the situation. You turned around to face the tv again, while pressing your legs against each other.

"It's already getting late, I head to bed now." "Me too." "Yeah let's call it a night." Everyone walked to their separate rooms. You quickly hopped under the shower and dressed in a cute but short silky pyjama, that Mikey packed for you. He really did a good job, I like those.

You fall asleep the second your head hit the pillow. You were exhausted and on edge all the time, now on vacation you could finally relax.


Yet again a nightmare woke you up. I need to talk to a therapist about that or buy some sleeping pills. You tried closing your eyes again, but the images of the cell in that basement were still on your mind. Let's get some water and fresh air...

Walking into the hallway you saw dim light coming from the kitchen. "Kaku? Why are you up?" "I couldn't sleep and you?" "Me neither." You grabbed a bottle of water and drank nearly half of it in one go.

"Wann go outside and look at the stars with me?" he offered you his hand. "I'd love to." With a big blanket on the ground and some pillows for your heads you prepared a nice little spot in the garden to lay down.

"Wow we can actually see stars from here! Tokyo is always so bright, even at night." But he had only eyes for you. "(Y/n), you look very beautiful tonight."  You looked at him, his different eyes were even more beautiful and fascinating in the moonlight, as well as his raven black hair. Cuddling closer to him you softly touched his cheek. Your lips connected and he pulled you closer. His hand caressed your thigh. "You are cold, I'm sorry I didn't thought about that, you're only wearing shorts and a shirt." He got up and noticed that you didn't even wore shoes.

With a swift movement he picked you up and carried you inside. "It's late, we should go to sleep now." He walked in the direction of your bedroom with you in his arms. You kissed his cheek, then his neck. "I don't wanna be alone tonight, Kaku." you whispered in his ear. He came to a halt for a second before he turned around an walked to his room.



Maybe Peach and Bowser are in love, or is he just obsessed with her?

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