Koneko - Information

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Remake of an old drawing! It's one of the rare times where I manage to make a character with roughly correct proportions

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Remake of an old drawing! It's one of the rare times where I manage to make a character with roughly correct proportions.

First name: Koneko (kitten in Japanese)

Last name: you can
choose one, I have no inspiration.

Age: 16 years old

Dads: Blackhole Drop and Poko Neko.

His biological parents abandoned when he was younger and he was adopted by Blackhole and Poko.

Brother: Snow

Sexuality: homosexual (or gay)

Boyfriends: Soul, Cosmos, Niji
(It's a couple of four and they all have consents.)

Relationships with loved ones:

Koneko adores his parents and, knowing that they adopted him because his biological parents abandoned him, he will do everything for them. They completely accept his sexuality.

Koneko is rather attached to Snow because he is his little brother. He could protect him from anything that could hurt him.

Koneko is very attached to Soul, a little more than to Cosmos and Niji, because he is his first boyfriend before the other two join them.

Koneko gives a lot of attention to Cosmos because he does not dare to say if he feels alone or lacks affection because of his shyness.

Koneko loves spending time with Niji and loves going on stage with him. And even if they are dating, Koneko keeps his fan soul that he had with him for a long time.

Let's talk adults:

Like any self-respecting cat, Koneko has his heat. Except he has a “disease” that makes them extremely rare and violent. To tell you, his boyfriends are forbidden from coming to his house to not get raped because he has no control over his heat.


The story part comes quickly and I know that's what interests you. Just be a little patient. Bye everyone👋

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