Neville the New Engine [Season 9] [Rewrite]

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Neville had just arrived on Sodor. He was on his way to the lead mines near Knapford to complete his first delivery on the island. When he arrived, the only other engine there was Diesel.

"Hello!" puffed Neville, rolling alongside Diesel, "I'm Neville and I'm new! What's your name?"

Diesel studied Neville suspiciously.

"I'm Diesel," he said slowly, "you're a strange looking steamie."

Neville stuttered, "My driver says I'm a fine engine."

"Steamies," said Diesel, "are not fine engines at all. They're outdated. Disrespectful too."

"Neville isn't disrespectful," said Neville's driver, trying his best to keep a cool head.

Diesel started speaking again, more quietly than before. Neville listened intently.

"Just a few weeks ago, a steamie named Gordon biffed me off the track because he thought his job was more important than mine. And then, another steamie named Edward arrived with the breakdown crane, laughed at me and told me it was all my fault."

Neville gasped.

"We diesels work hard," Diesel continued, "and yet the steamies never give us the respect we deserve."

"Well, um, I can...give you respect," offered Neville.

Diesel smiled.

"I knew you'd be one of the good ones the moment I saw you," he oiled. By now, his trucks were all ready. As soon as he was coupled up, he pulled away.

Neville thought about what Diesel had said all the way to Brendam Docks. When he arrived, Salty was excited. Salty hadn't had the chance to speak to the new engine yet.

"Ahoy there, matey!" he said.

Just as Neville was about to reply, Edward blew his whistle. He was ready to leave with some coaches full of workmen.

"Good old Edward," said Salty quietly.

"Did you say 'Edward'?" asked Neville. When Salty replied in the affirmative, Neville told him what Diesel had said about Edward.

Salty was taken aback.

"It's not like Edward to make fun of another engine. He must've had a reason for what 'e said."

Neville then told Salty about how Gordon had biffed Diesel off the track.

"Har har," laughed Salty, "now that, I could believe. Gordon is a wee bit big for 'is own buffers."

Before Salty could continue, the dock manager approached Neville.

"Percy was supposed to take some wagons of imported fabric to the transfer yards but he hasn't turned up. Neville, can you do it?"

Neville agreed. The dock manager gave him some directions and pointed to where the wagons were.

"It was nice talking to"


"Salty...but I have to go. Goodbye!"

Soon, Neville was puffing along the line at a good speed. This didn't last long, though; he had to stop at a signal. Gordon was waiting there with the express.

"Hello!" said Neville cheerily, "I'm Neville, the new engine. What's your name?"

"I'm Gordon," Gordon huffed, "I am supposed to be getting passengers where they need to go and yet I am constantly made to wait at signals, as you can see!"

Neville frowned.

"So you're Gordon," he said, "I've heard about you." Gordon smiled when he heard this. "Diesel told me you biffed him off the track." This made Gordon's face drop. "Is that true?"

"Diesel was getting in my way," said Gordon angrily, "I was pulling the express and I couldn't stop in time! You can't trust everything an engine like Diesel says."

Neville was too shocked to speak. Luckily, he didn't have to because the signal turned green.

As Neville began to chuff forwards, his firewoman murmured, "Well, I can see what Salty meant by 'too big for his buffers'."

"Even if Diesel did cause the accident, Gordon seems like the horrible one," said Neville. He was very upset for Diesel.

"If you ask me," said his driver, "the both of them are bad news. Let's not forget that Diesel called you outdated and disrespectful, Neville."

Neville didn't know what to think anymore. He wished everyone could just get along.

"Right, I believe we need to take this left turning here," said Neville's driver.

The points were already set so that they would go down the left track. Neville puffed on, eager to get to the transfer yards.

He went round a bend. Suddenly, he saw a barrier up ahead.

Neville shut his eyes as his driver applied the brakes. He felt himself crash through the barrier and hit a bump in the track as he slowed to a stop.

Opening his eyes, Neville saw that he was on a dangling piece of bridge. Another track was directly below him!

"We can't jump out!" cried his firewoman, "It's too far!"

Both the firewoman and the driver shivered and held on for dear life. Neville tried to move backwards but his wheels slid and the bridge began to make cracking noises.

"It's no use!" cried his driver.

Just then, a whistle blew behind them.

"It's alright," called Edward, "I'm here to help."

Edward was coupled to the back of Neville's train. He clanked and wheezed as he pulled with all his might. The train very slowly got moving. The bridge began to crack again.

"Ooh," wailed Neville.

Neville's wheels gradually rolled off the dangling bridge and onto flatter track. He was saved.

"Oh, thank you!" sighed Neville.

"Yes, thank you, Edward!" said his driver.

"E-Edward?" stuttered Neville.

Soon, Edward had heard everything.

"Well," chuckled Edward, "Diesel has certainly gotten you in a muddle, hasn't he?"

"I hope you can forgive me for believing all those lies about you," Neville said sadly.

"Of course I can!" peeped Edward. Then, with a little smirk, he added, "Gordon might take a little longer but I'm sure he can warm up to you eventually."

Neville was relieved!

"Edward," Neville's driver piped up, "I do have one question. Is there any truth to what Diesel said about disrespectful steam engines?"

Neville looked at Edward expectantly.

"There have been times when diesels and steam engines have been at odds," said Edward, "I assure you, though, diesels do have a place here on Sodor. I could introduce you to plenty who are hard-working and who respect all engines."

"I can't wait to meet them," said Neville with a smile.

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