Schedules and Sass

Start from the beginning

"So here's the plan. First-" I got cut off, again.

"You said 8 in the morning. Not 10." Lauren sassily said cocking an eyebrow up.

"Uh-Um. Sorry. That was my fault, I overslept." I said looking down at the schedule paper to hide my embarrassment.

"It's only natural for young people to do whatever they please." Normani decided to jump in.

"So today, you girls have to go on air for a radio questioning, nothing too personal though, I took care of that, and a photo shoot. Against the Current is going to be out of the picture for a week because they need to start writing their upcoming album so they will be out with Nick." I said as quickly and clearly as possible.

"What the hell?" I heard Chrissy finally say after a long, awkward silence.

"Don't fight it. It's already done." Nick said in a calm tone.

"We can't just flipping leave and let you be in charge of things." she said standing up now.

I know she was just mad, and didn't want to mean it in a bad way, but it hit a spot in me knowing she didn't approve of me being in charge, and I knew deep down it was because of my age too.

"You leave in two hours, so suck it up." I said with my signature poker face and gulped waiting for her reaction.

Her eyes widened and a flash of hurt was momentarily shown before taken over by annoyance.

"Fine. I'm packing my bags now, to avoid seeing your face anytime sooner." she shot back.

She walked by, but before bumping into me. I ignored it to avoid causing a scene in front of the others.

"Guess we should get packing too." Dan said following Chrissy. "When she cools down, I'm sure she'll apologize."

He gave me a hug before leaving patting the top of my head, like one would do to a dog. Nick followed behind giving me a friendly wink before going by and Will gave me a peck before leaving the room and following the others.

"So much drama." Camila said now.

"Lets get going." I said before any of them had a chance to say anything else.

The girls were talking about something on our journey to the limo, but all I could think about was how my best friend had blown up from the news. The limo was made in a way that it could sit two people per seat. Dinah and Normani sat in the front, Ally and Camila in the middle, and I got to sit next to Lauren.

I stiffened up as soon as I realized how close I was to THE Lauren Jauregui.

"Dude, are you okay?" I heard Lauren say from right side.

"U-Um. Y-yeah." I said trying to figure out why I was illiterate all of a sudden.

"Are you sure? I mean, you can talk to me if you want, about the whole thing." she said shrugging in in conformity.

"I'm fine, thanks." I said finally catching my breath.

She smiled and went back to her phone. I looked over to see her scrolling through her tumblr. I smiled dumbly at myself because I remember back before this, I probably sent more than 100 questions to get her to notice me, but here I was sitting next to her.

"What?" she said looking at me me with a goofy smile. "You want me to follow your tumblr?"

"Sorry. No, I don't have one." I managed to say too quickly.

"Get one, I'll follow you and re-blog and you can have followers." she said with a genuine smile.

I smiled back at her. And then turned to look out my window. Okay so I did lie. I do have a tumblr. But that tumblr is only for my harmonizer obsessed self and I can't risk my cover up so far, I'm on a roll here for goodness sakes.

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