Chapter 1: The Warning

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The city lights flickered in the distance as Sarah walked home from her late-night shift at the newspaper office. The streets were quiet, except for the occasional sound of a car passing by. The night air was chill, and Sarah pulled her coat tighter around her as she navigated the familiar route home.

Just as she was passing by an old, dimly lit alley, an elderly woman appeared from the shadows. She had a weathered face, and deep-set eyes, and was dressed in layers of worn-out clothing.

"Excuse me, young lady," the elderly woman said, her voice trembling slightly. "You should never look back when walking at night."

Sarah stopped in her tracks, surprised by the woman's sudden appearance and her warning. "I'm sorry, do I know you?" she asked, trying to hide the unease in her voice.

The woman shook her head slowly. "No, child, but I know you. You walk a dangerous path, one that many have walked before."

Sarah raised an eyebrow, intrigued but suspicious she asked, "What do you mean? Who are you?"

The woman reached into her pocket and pulled out a small, tattered notebook. "Take this," she said, handing the notebook to Sarah. "You'll find the answers you seek within its pages."

Reluctantly, Sarah took the notebook, her curiosity getting the better of her. "Thank you, but why are you giving this to me?"

The woman's eyes grew sad, and she looked away for a moment before answering. "Because I once walked the same path, and I wish someone had warned me. Be careful, young lady, and remember: never look back when walking at night."

With that, the elderly woman turned and disappeared back into the alley, leaving Sarah standing there in confusion. She looked down at the notebook in her hands, its pages filled with handwritten notes, sketches, and newspaper clippings. Sarah decided to take it home and examine it more closely.

As she continued her walk home, Sarah couldn't shake off the feeling that something was off. The warning from the elderly woman, the mysterious notebook – it all felt like the beginning of a mystery she couldn't ignore.

When Sarah finally reached her apartment, she immediately sat down at her desk and opened the notebook. The handwritten notes were difficult to decipher, but as she read through them, she realized they were all related to mysteries, strange occurrences, and urban legends from around the city.

One note caught her eye – it mentioned a missing person's case that had gone cold. The last known sighting of the missing person was near the location where she had encountered the elderly woman. Intrigued, Sarah decided to delve deeper into the case, her investigative instincts kicking in.

She spent hours researching the missing person's case online, scouring news articles, police reports, and social media posts for any clues. The more she dug, the more intrigued she became. There were so many unanswered questions and so many loose ends.

As the sun began to rise, Sarah realized she had been up all night. Exhausted but determined, she decided to get some sleep and continue her investigation in the morning. As she drifted off to sleep, the warning from the elderly woman echoed in her mind: "Never look back when walking at night."

Little did Sarah know, this was just the beginning of a mystery that would challenge everything she thought she knew, and lead her down a path she never could have imagined.

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