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Madeleine sat next to Lucia, who was lying on the bed of her hotel room after leaving all of her suitcases in front of the door. Lucia turned her head to Madeleine.

"Isn't it ridiculous that your'e going somewhere you never knew for college? What are you going to do in Monaco when you are accepted for Yale? You don't know anything about there." Madeleine smiled. She spoke as she stood up from the bed.

"The paparazzi are not legal in Monaco." Madeleine had suffered a lot from the paparazzi. The paparazzi, who dared to enter her home, caused her to become depressed in America for a year of university. When he was at the university in Colombia in the first year of the university, everything she had in all his relationships was in mind. Even if she went out for a short walk, a paparazzi appeared in front of her. Besides, she had already experienced university studying in America. Now it would be good for her in every way to move to Monaco, which she already loves very much.

"Okay, don't make an excuse, no one keeps you wherever you want." She said, trying not to laugh. Madeleine chuckled too. She took a sip of the champagne she put in front of the mirror. Then she put the phone and headphone he took over the table in the big handbag she would have with her on the plane.

"I better go out." She smiled at her friend.

"Please hug this old woman and say goodbye." She pursed her lip and dropped her head on her shoulder.

Lucia laughed and stood up and hugged madeleine tightly.

"It's ridiculous that we're pretending to never see each other again. She looks for me to come to you on a single plane." Lucia sulked.

"I'm running away from mom, not you." She sighed. She opened the door of the hotel room and made a hand gesture to the employee in the corridor and called him to him.

"You're not running away from anyone, the celebrities in NYC haven't wrapped up, now it's time for F1 drivers in Monaco." Madeleine laughed.

"Yes ma'am it's Charles Leclerc's turn." She grinned with her tongue between her teeth.

"It's scary that you're watching F1." Lucia opened her eyes wide and spoke.

"Don't be jealous." She stepped aside for the room attendant who came to take out the tongue and pick up her suitcases.

Then she turned around and waved Lucia, touching her fingertips into her palm.

"Chao!" She went after the employee who took her handbag and took her suitcases to the elevator and left the hotel.


Madeleine Van Doren


Madeleine was sitting in the VIP launge of airport and drinking coffee . It was not very crowded because it was early in the morning and was in the VIP launge. It couldn't even be said to be crowded. She had almost seen 15,16 people in between with passers-by. She regretted coming early with the progress of the watch. She also put on her glasses as the part of starting to get crowded. She also put her sweatshirt's hat on her glasses. While Madeleine scrolling instagram on her phone , someone sat at the table next to her. There was a short distance of about 1 meter between them. She slowly turned her  head to her right and took a look at the man with the glasses sitting at the next table. She knew whose the man was, and he wouldn't be called either. Charles Leclerc, whom she went to watch most of his races.

She turned his head back to the coffee in front of her and smiled slightly. SHe was quite interested in Formula 1. She was going to most races she could go. In addition, since she was at Paddock Clup in the races she went to, she had a conversation with most of the pilots and even included the opportunity to meet some of them and spend time together. But Charles had just joined F1 just 2 years ago and she never had the opportunity to meet him. To be sure, she turned to the side again, lowered her glasses a little and looked at the man next to her. Wearing glasses didn't help him hide his identity . SHe closed her mouth, thinking it might be disturbing when she was opening and saying something, but she was still looking at him.After all, he thought that if he was wearing glasses, he didn't want to be recognized, he was right. The reason why she wears glasses is also recognized and people's want photos or signature from her,etc. As he thought about these things, she was still looking at Charles, and Charles noticed it and turned to the girl.

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