A Game of Pool and Hidden Feelings

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A humid summer afternoon hung heavy over the town. Nobita and Dekisugi sought refuge from the scorching sun in Suneo's air-conditioned game room, a haven of flashing lights and arcade noises. The usual group was there - Suneo, ever the braggart, was dominating a racing game, while Gian, surprisingly subdued, was engrossed in a strategy game on his handheld console.

Nobita and Dekisugi, however, found themselves drawn to the pool table at the back of the room. The rhythmic clack of the pool balls seemed oddly soothing in the cacophony of sounds. Dekisugi, with his usual calm demeanor, racked the balls and offered the first shot to Nobita.

Nobita, feeling a surge of confidence after their blossoming relationship, leaned over the table, aiming for the corner pocket. The cue ball connected with a satisfying crack, sending the striped balls scattering across the green felt. He reveled in the feeling of accomplishment, a playful grin spreading across his face.

"Nice shot, Nobita!" Dekisugi complimented him, his voice genuine. They continued the game, their laughter echoing in the room as they traded shots and playful banter. But as the game progressed, a subtle shift settled over Dekisugi. His smile seemed strained, and his focus appeared to waver.

Halfway through the game, the door to the game room swung open, and Shizuka entered, a bright smile illuminating her face. "Hey everyone! What are you guys up to?"

"Pool!" Nobita exclaimed, gesturing towards the table. "Want to join us?"

Shizuka, always up for a challenge, readily agreed. She donned a colorful cue ball holder and surveyed the table, a determined glint in her eyes. The game that followed was a battle of skill and strategy. Shizuka, surprisingly adept at the game, sank several shots with impressive accuracy.

As Nobita watched Shizuka and Dekisugi strategize their next move,a prickling sensation of jealousy ignited within him. He found himself focusing less on the game and more on the way Dekisugi's eyes crinkled at the corners when he smiled at Shizuka, the easy way their conversation flowed.

A stray thought, unwelcome and intrusive, wormed its way into Nobita's mind. Maybe Dekisugi didn't feel the same way about him after all. Maybe their weekend confession and stolen moments under the cherry blossoms were just a fleeting fancy as dekisugi didn't want to break Nobita's heart

His next shot reflected his turmoil. He misjudged the angle, sending the cue ball careening wildly across the table, scattering the remaining balls in disarray. A heavy silence descended upon the room.

"Oh," Shizuka said, a hint of disappointment in her voice. "That's alright, Nobita. Maybe next time?"

Dekisugi, however, remained silent, his gaze fixed on the scattered balls. A flicker of something akin to frustration crossed his face, quickly replaced by a strained smile.

"Yeah," he muttered, his voice devoid of its usual cheerfulness. "Maybe next time."

The rest of the afternoon seemed to drag on. The air crackled with unspoken tension. Nobita's playful mood had vanished, replaced by a gnawing sense of insecurity. He stole glances at Dekisugi, searching for any sign of reassurance, but Dekisugi seemed lost in his own thoughts.

Finally, unable to bear the suffocating silence any longer, Nobita announced he was heading home. Dekisugi offered to walk him, but Nobita declined, needing some time alone to untangle the knot of emotions churning within him.

As Nobita walked home, the setting sun casting long shadows on the sidewalk, he couldn't shake off the feeling of jealousy. It was a new emotion for him, bitter and unpleasant. He had never considered the possibility that Dekisugi might feel attracted to someone else.

Reaching his doorstep, Nobita paused, a decision brewing within him. He couldn't let this fester. He needed to talk to Dekisugi, to voice his insecurities and understand what was going on. Taking a deep breath, he pulled out his phone and sent a message - "Meet me at the park tomorrow? We need to talk."

The message sent, a sliver of hope flickered within him. Maybe, just maybe, a conversation could clear the air and mend the rift that had grown between him and Dekisugi over a harmless game of pool.

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