Gadget Gone Wrong

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The following week, Nobita felt like he was stuck in a whirlwind. His feelings for Shizuka remained, a constant ache in his heart, but spending time with Dekisugi had sparked something new - a sense of camaraderie, a comfort he hadn't expected. He found himself looking forward to their weekend hangouts, their conversations flowing easily, filled with laughter and shared interests.

Meanwhile, the seeds of jealousy sown by the unreliable Love Finder had blossomed. Suneo, convinced Nobita was abandoning him for Dekisugi, became increasingly clingy. Gian, on the other hand, found himself inexplicably irritated by Suneo's constant presence around Nobita. He couldn't explain the sharp pang he felt whenever Suneo and Nobita shared a laugh or a whispered secret.

One sunny afternoon, Doraemon noticed Nobita's conflicted expression. "What's wrong, Nobita?" he asked, his robotic voice laced with concern.

Nobita sighed, pouring out his heart about his confusing feelings for Shizuka and the unexpected connection he felt with Dekisugi. Doraemon listened patiently, his antennae twitching thoughtfully.

"Perhaps the Love Finder malfunctioned," Doraemon mused, scratching his chin. "It's a prototype after all."

An idea sparked in Nobita's mind. "Then maybe there's a way to find out for sure?"

Doraemon rummaged through his pouch and pulled out another gadget - a small, heart-shaped mirror. "This is the Truth Reflector. It reflects the user's deepest desires."

Nobita's eyes widened. This could be the answer! He snuck the Truth Reflector into his backpack, determined to use it on Dekisugi.

following Saturday, Nobita and Dekisugi decided to visit the local museum. As they walked through the exhibit halls, Nobita subtly angled the Truth Reflector towards Dekisugi. To his surprise, the reflection didn't show Shizuka - it showed... Nobita himself.

"Does that mean dekisugi likes me not Shizuka" Nobita thought.

Nobita blinked, bewildered. But before he could ponder it further, a commotion erupted near the dinosaur exhibit. Gian, in a fit of childish pique, had tripped Suneo, sending him sprawling into a display case.

Alarms blared, and security guards rushed towards them. In the ensuing chaos, the Truth Reflector slipped from Nobita's grasp and clattered onto the floor, shattering into pieces. Panic surged through Nobita. Without the gadget, he was left with more questions than answers.

Dekisugi, ever the calm one, helped Suneo up and apologized profusely to the museum staff. Gian, scowling, mumbled something about accidents and walked away.

Later that evening, as Nobita lay in bed, staring at the ceiling, he replayed the day's events. The shattered Truth Reflector mocked him. Did it malfunction too? Or was the reflection a cruel trick of the light? What if it didn't malfunction? But why would dekisugi like someone like me?

Suddenly, a realization dawned on him. Maybe his feelings for Dekisugi weren't just about friendship. Maybe the warmth he felt, the ease in Dekisugi's company, was something more. But could it be reciprocated? Or was he just deluding himself?

Across town, Dekisugi also lay awake, his mind replaying moments from the museum trip. He couldn't deny the strange fluttering in his chest whenever he was around Nobita. The way Nobita's eyes crinkled when he laughed, his genuine enthusiasm for things Dekisugi found interesting - it all sparked a feeling he couldn't quite define.

The shattered Truth Reflector, a symbol of their growing confusion, hung heavy in the air, leaving both Nobita and Dekisugi grappling with their newfound emotions, yearning for a truth that remained frustratingly out of reach.

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