Chapter 4

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There I stood in a crowd of emotional headbangers when my eyes connect to the vocalist on stage. The eyes are of a beautiful espresso color that I recognize from decades ago. I can't believe I never recognized them... him... before. Maybe it was the tattoos or the chin length hair. He just looked different, but I knew it was him. A tragic memory that I'm sure I only remember.

I'm not sure what I did wrong to have to live and die over and over again. Why do I remember all my past lives? Why do I keep meeting these pair of eyes in each life?

After the concert, I say my goodbyes to my two best friends, Justine and Ryan. Then, head straight home to my Chicago duplex apartment. I don't even bother to change clothes or brush my teeth, I just throw myself on my queen sized bed and try not to think about the all too familiar man.

Here I lay still asleep. Not wanting to wake up from a comforting dream. Somehow, I felt safer in this bed alone than I ever had on Earth. Nobody could touch me or harm me with their harsh but sometimes true words.

Next Day

"Look at all these cars. So beautiful... So majestic... So... Expensive. They're laughing at me. The cars know I can't afford them." Ryan was more annoyed than usual, which says a lot. He tends to get annoyed over anything from what I noticed. "Maybe if I was still a YouTuber, I could afford one." Justine raises an eyebrow at Ryan's statement.

"Ryan even if you were, those cars cost as much as a house. It's a waste of money." Harris comments to make Ryan less annoyed by the situation. "I guess you're right." He sighs then I try to change the not so great mood.

I put my arms behind Ryan and Harris' neck. While at the same time, I lightly kick Markus. "Hey, why don't you guys go pick a car. I figured I'd let you choose first cause it doesn't matter what I drive, I'll still beat you both." Ryan removes my arm and runs like a five year old towards the cars. "Ha! That's what you think! Loooossseers!" He yells.

"I don't think so!" Markus runs in Ryan's direction. Erika and Justine laugh and meet up with Ryan and Harris. Erika and Justine decide to just be passengers. Erika would be with Harris while Justine would sit in the passenger's seat with Ryan. "It looks like I'm the only girl racing." I chuckle with all the confidence that I would win this race no problem.

"You got this girl. Show them boys who is boss." Erika cheers.

Ryan and Justine walk to the remaining cars. Ryan enters a 2018 Honda Civic Type R with Justine joining him. Erika gets in the passenger's seat with Harris driving a 2014 Subaru WRX. Both cars weren't my first choice but they're fast nevertheless.

And Markus... What the hell... "That's your choice?"

"Yes, why? You scared?".

"No. I just thought you were taking this seriously."

"You don't like my white van, Naomi?" Markus laughs.

"Alright pedophile." I lift my hand up towards my face and wave it down. Causing a bit of a breeze with the movement.

I continue to search for the perfect vehicle. Then I spot it. A yellow 2012 Mustang Boss 302. Man was this thing breath taking. It was like looking at an original 1969 Boss 302. The 2012 version kept various nostalgic styles from the classic Mustangs but incorporated modern styles of that time. It was sex on wheels. Pure American muscle. God I sound like a car junkie.

I open the door to the yellow Mustang and sit on the black leather seat. I feel my surroundings and have flashbacks to when I drove my dad's Mustang GT for the fast time. "Yeah he had a GT too, he liked Mustangs. I guess father like daughter." The nostalgia ran through my veins and I was ready to race. I push the start engine button and hear the engine roar. It sounded like the perfect fuel injected 5.0 liter engine. The quad exhaust was loud as all hell. Just the way I liked it.

I placed my foot on the clutch pedal and pushed it all the way down while the parking brake was engaged and switched into first. Then, I released the parking brake to get the car moving to the drag race. I lined the car up with everyone else. Markus and Ryan on either side of me. I shoot both of them the middle finger, and rev the engine. Ryan flinches at the sound. They then perform burnouts before approaching the start line to gain more traction.

At the start line there is a column of lights beginning with two red lights. The count down begins as the lights turn yellow then green, singling go. Everyone launches their car. Markus was behind, no surprise there. I was in front with Ryan right behind.

I finally cross the 1/4 mile line and win the drag race. A smile emerged on my face from the experience. The adrenaline flowing with my blood. And the excitement I felt when I found out my elapsed time, which was 12.9 seconds at 112 mph. "Not bad for a girl." I say.

Markus gets out of the van after finishing last... "You win this time but trust me I'll have the next." I nod. "Sure, Markus."

The girls celebrate my victory while the guys are bitching. I honestly hadn't been this happy since I drove my dad's GT.

From a distance, I could see a tall man approaching them. As he got closer, I could make out his appearance. He was wearing sunglasses that had Ray-Ban written on one side.

"Hey there. You must be Naomi." He extends his hand out to shake. "I'm Mike. Nice to meet you." I disconnect from the hand shake. "I'm impressed with your driving skills. I haven't seen a woman drive that well since, well my last girlfriend. But that's not important. What's important is that whoever wins the race wins a date with me." Mike smiles at me.

I managed to keep myself sane trying to not lose my shit. However, I was freaking out in my head. "Um, bruh... She isn't interested in crusty dusty middle aged men. It's a no." Ryan answers for me while judgementally looking up and down at Mike.

"Your loss." Mike says while shaking my shoulders.

"Leave her alone dude, before I knock you out." Ryan forms a fist in the process.

"You guys are idiots." Mike adds while gunning it for the driver's door. Once inside, he locks all the doors and roll down the passenger window. "Have fun assholes!" He yells while driving off. "What? What did you say? Face me like a man jerk off!" Ryan shouts while trying to catch up with the already distant yellow car. He legs trip over each other causing his face to land into the concrete.

Justine shakes her head. "Oh my God! You fucking twat!" I hear Harris crack up behind me.

Ryan gets back up. Pissed. "The fuck! Don't do that again Naomi or I swear to God."

"Or what? You going to murder me?" I say with a smirk on my face.

"Nah, I was thinking about letting you go on a date with that... Thing." He says jokingly.

Justine and I eventually get in her car and we drive back to her place.

Justine didn't know what she just witnessed, but I could imagine what thought raced in her mind. "What I would have given to watch Ryan throw a fist into some prick's face."

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