9.Chased by a dream (or a nightmare)

Start from the beginning

It was a witch war inside a frozen gun showdown vision of lycan and vampires... 

I growled " Scusa(excuse me) You labeled me the church let's leave it that, chiaramente(clearly) for your information I'm not a witch I'm a mage, a different skillset, watch if you're not careful I'll send you to the afterlife cagna" which pretty much meant "bitch" in Italian he grabbed my shadow with his hands which froze me we then pulled on it. "watch your tone and words priest" he growled freezing me that's when in a moment of binding magic I formed and released a bolt of lightning from my right hand after I called "!!Tlob" that blasted into his chest and sent him flying to the wall.

however In a flash he grabbed the lightning end from his chest from my hand and we were literally at that moment started pulling lightning like a tug of war and I let go and he fell back into the wall and I threw an energy orb of fire that struck him in the face, causing his hood to come off and I smirked as I saw the left side of his face burned slightly if only for a moment-"I now have an image of who you are after you attacked me in the apartments" and he growled holding his face.

 "So I'll find you first, and I'll end you making good on that warning  You dont know who you are fucking with,priest-mage and you are going to regret it you and your family just like I warned you" That's when I floated over to tell him "You go ahead and try" but that's when someone pushed me and I was jutted awake before Chase could grab me again and I was back on my feet in my body and I swung and recoiled punching Sherlock in the face and he fell back and I cried out "oh shit Im I am so sorry I was..sleeping" and I looked around and it was about evening, maybe earlier, the sun was still sightly up, If there's one thing I noted is that day light and moonlight keep switching in different astral projection,its now about maybe 2:00pm maybe later it wasn't the first time that I got jetlagged from astral projection, but that's what makes the thought behind astral projection skeptical everyone studies think its just dreams and sleeping but I know better...my "dreams" my "Nightmares" have something to tell me or show me....its appropriate to say my dreams and nightmares are "chasing me"   

Watson looked at the driver and nodded and I climbed out on my feet out of the cab and I looked at the dorms I was confused "Why are we at the dorms?" Sherlock was holding his hand to his face and said, "What do you mean you told us to come here?"  And handed me the note and indeed it was the dorms I looked up and said "Well I mean let's go inside I'll explain" and we headed inside. We started to travel through the area looking around and they looked at me. "Caleb no offense but what are we doing in a college dormitory?" and I nodded "I know it's weird but the reason we are here is to discuss my world with you but I need someone more important..spero che sia qui" which was Italian for "I hope they are here" I then picked up the phone and called in That was when I realized the ring came from inside somewhere and some voices said something like "I don't even like the guy." and I thought they were talking about me.

"You're being unreasonable" "I'm not being reasonable I sense something wrong about him, him flirting with you is the least reason I'M worried," she said "What do you mean wrong? You being clingy" and I said "Pogue" and pogue turned around to me with sherlock while he was with the Mexican girl before what was her name Kate?. and he turned around and raised an eyebrow "Ciaran and uhh cops? Shit why would you bring cops here?" and Kate looked at them "pogue why are their cops here? Are you in trouble..again?" and before Anything more could be said I held up my hand and in an alpha way of acting I stopped everyone and said "pogue hold on, lasciatemi spiegare" which meant "let me explain" in Italian.

 "They aren't cops this is Sherlock Holms and Watson they are specific individual detectives and they want to know about your world" and he raised an eyebrow. Kate looked at him "What do you mean your world pogue?" and he said in a huff "You couldn't wait for morning?" That was when I was about to inform him that it was only late afternoon almost evening when something like a door slammed in the back. He sighed and Kate said "OK come into my room we need to get out of the hallway"  Soon the door slammed again and we walked around Kate and Sarah's room..after she was put in the hospital by Spiderbites. 

I walked in and looked around and the aura of black magic flowed around the room she said "Excuse the mess  Pogue and I are moving in with each other since Caleb is living in his house with his mom and Reid is roommates with Tyler  and Sarah is in the hospital for awhile "and I nodded "the aura is thick with energy and Kate looked around "I dont normally have friends at this time so let's make this quick, let's talk" and I sighed and stepped forward "I think we have more information on the murders your sensing"

 pogue looked at Sherlock and Watson "ok So you brought..the law?" Sherlock stopped and looked around "I sense that this room was more than based on accident Kate, your roommate was based on facts, I smell I sense even though you aren't trying these places where spiders hide, there's a cold in the air their bases in the air...but I think this Caleb and his family might be the spearhead or else he wouldn't be talking about the vampire's hounds" he looked at me "Really Ciaran? do you open your mouth to everyone? you ever hear of behind closed doors?"

 and I said "I think there's a reason WE are gaining traction like this" he sighed and said "You making things more complicated" and I nodded "This might be hard to believe but this is the reason I came to you guys abbiamo bisogno di più denti" which was Italian for "we need for teeth" ..Chase is the cause and hes not alone I had a vision on the way here where I played out the showdown when I got here...and it was Lucien and Chase" and he widened his eyes "Chase?"

Kate turned to me "My..our chase?" Chase from school? Hes on vacation..but why him?"

And I raised an eyebrow "chase is in league with lucien and for some reason selene's family is being turned into tombstones..but" everyone looked at me and said "How much more twisted could this be?" and I said "chase..in the vision told me that I must have been a witch that he hadn't murdered he knows about the victims.." and Pogue raised an eyebrow and looked at Kate then back  "He knew about the sister coven?" and Kate looked at us "this is ludicrous how much of this is.." and this time pogue held up his hand and said "Hes not wrong, Kate our sister coven shian,danielle,alexis, Gabriel, willow, are members of our sisters" and I nodded "they're also

 members of Kali's favorite band "a far off memory is a far off soul" we made contact with them back in paris, where Kali got their autograph then soon after abaddon warned me they would be killed and sherlock looked at us and said "this is a lot of coincidence...but I had a run we had a run in with creatures like giant gargoyles or wolves or a mixed and Pogue widened his eyes "Wait lycans? Lycans are chasing you?" and Sherlock nodded "I know that this is rough, but I think we need to start making sense.." and Pogue nodded "There's a lot of details that we need to talk about the group but some of us dont know where this began.."

  I nodded "I think we can agree on the details of this case and it is a case,Non mentirò" which meant "I wont lie" in Italian "my family is from the church, Sherlock Holmes as a consultant investigator says and agrees its clear this battle needs more help because like you said the sister band covenant was ritually murdered, and the other vampire elders murdered were Alex, Aaron, Rykari, Amelia, David the son of Amelia and Lena were murdered in King's Cross St Pancras brutalmente(brutally)...and I now know this chase guy and Lucien are the backbone...." and

 pogue nodded "but we still dont know why" and Kate looked over at us "Vampires werewolves witches? Did I get transferred into a comic book?" and Sherlock nodded "Madam I know your feeling this sounds so hard to wrap our head around things, I know that you are likely focused on based on reality based on facts but the vision that I've seen tell this story..right now we are all in danger" and pogue nodded "we need to get to Caleb and Selene" and I nodded then stopped and looked at pogue and said "speaking of, your powers allows you tell when a crafter is using?" and he nodded and I scowled "did you sense his?" he got up and said "huh using powers lets

 see...Did I sense you..and Caleb's? And yeah I sensed a specific power that was...someone" and I nodded "That's likely the one who we need to keep our minds on because that's the one murdering people" he nodded and Sherlock looked at us and Watson and I looked at sherlock "sherlock-

do you have anything to add to this maybe an idea of Why?" he nodded and crossed his arms and said "elementary Thinking outside the box is what I'm good at, but in this magical world you're in it's hard to tell..but my experience murder and death is caused by gaining something, so maybe more information is needed perhaps we should travel over to the scene of the crime this king cross station" and I nodded and pogue nodded "I think we should go to calebs we need to reconnect with them and tell them what you told me" and I nodded "I'll go to the scene of the crime with Sherlock and Watson"

It was then we all split up.

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