Sokka/Homura: Cactus Juice

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A/N: I'm changing the OC's name to Homura. First of all, it's actually an East-Asian name. Second, I'm too lazy to go back and change everything. So yeah :) mini update ig, enjoy!

The dessert was hot. My body feels like it's been placed above a fire and my footsteps are rotating me over it, roasting my flesh.

"Ooh! Look at that!" Sokka points out a cactus and slices it open. There's an opaque liquid inside that looks too good to be true.

"Sokka, maybe we shouldn't be drinking liquids from random plants," Katara comments. It was too late though, he had already drank what he had cut off.

"Gimme some!" I snatch the top of the plant and drink whatever was left in it without thinking. My body is suddenly energized, complete opposite of what I felt like before. "This is some good stuff!" I comment and sip the rest."

"Drink cactus juice, it'll quench ya'!" Sokka exclaims.

"It's the quenchiest!" I add. We both giggle.

"Alright, let's move on." Katara huffs.

We walk for a little more. To be precise, Toph and Katara walk, Sokka and I skip happily. The heat doesn't affect me anymore, I feel invincible!

"Woah," Sokka sighs.

"Ooo, what, what?" I tug on his arm, eager to find what he's referring to.

"Giant mushroom! Maybe it's friendly!" He exclaims again.

"Where!" I whine. "Sokka, all I see is a sandy octopus in an ocean. Why hasn't the water fell yet? And why is the octopus looking like a jellyfish now?"

"Giant. Mushroom." He gapes at the shape and starts waving his arms around. The said mushroom was just debris, but I didn't know that at the time.
Momo lands on my head and I yelp.

"THERE'S A FURRY WASP ON MY HEAD!" I scream. I swat the creature off my head and run into Sokka, trying to get as far away from it as possible. In the process, I knock him over.

"You're gorgeous," His dilated pupils focus on mine.

"Why, thank you good sir." I grin. "You aren't too bad yourself." I can hear Toph gag in the background, but choose to ignore her. Everything is happening so fast, my head is spinning, but I feel great nonetheless.
Aang returns, with no sign of Appa. We agree to settle for a bit and continue our journey in the morning. Everyone gets comfortable, and eventually dozes off into a deep sleep. Not Sokka though, he's fully awake, and he's bugging me by the millisecond.

"Gorgeous lady, do you know why Wan Shi Tong put jewels in the sky? Someone might steal them! He isn't very good at hiding stuff..." he kept rambling as he tapped and tapped on my shoulder. I turned around to face him, propping my head up with my arm. He's a lot closer than I thought.  My head is pounding, and I just want to go to sleep, but something about his rambling keeps me listening.

"Shh," I put a finger over his lips, "you're going to wake the others." I have no memory of what I did earlier today, and I hope I have none in the morning.

"You're really pretty, did anyone tell you that?" He mumbles. In that moment I freeze. I've always gotten that uneasy feeling in my stomach when Sokka was around, the kind that you miss when you haven't felt it in a while, and the one that makes you commit to actions you would never even think of doing on a normal day. Maybe it's the cactus juice that's altering his brain chemistry, because Sokka grabs my jaw and pulls me in for a kiss. I can't say I want to stay, but I can't say I want to pull away either. He kisses me passionately, his thumb caressing my cheek. Blame it on the cactus juice, I think to myself. If they find out. I'm not fully sober, but I'm not extremely under the influence. Either way, I let my rebellious side take control and pull him closed to me, parts of our bodies colliding as we kiss. I untie his hair and run my fingers through it, feeling the sand fall from him laying on it. His other hand snakes along my bare waist, fingers at the edge of my top.

"Please," he groans. I pull away from the kiss and smirk at the boy.

"Maybe next time," I tease. I turn around to face the rest of our little gang, sound asleep. What did I just do? Do I have feelings for Sokka? Is this me acknowledging them? The worst part is, is that Sokka isn't even in control of his own mind. This is a one time thing, there's no way Sokka is actually interested in me. Another part of me feels guilty, I kinda took advantage of him in that state. The good thing is, he wont remember this in the morning.

A/N:  GUYSSSSSSSSSSS it's so hard writing kissing scenes gang. Like all my favourite authors get into the emotional aspect of it, whatever the heck that means. Anyways, the first chapter of my ACTUAL fanfic is coming out soon I promise😊😊 It's taking a bit cause I have exams 😿😿 and I need to study. But today I wrote this instead of studying! How smart! I'll update yall on my exam mark soon (let's hope I don't fail!) Thank you so much for over 200 reads!! That's cray cray. I'll try an update as much as I can, requests are open!!

Ur fav fanfic author,

- maverickzbae💕

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