I lived to see another day? Just my luck.

12 0 1

"You've got to be kidding me."

I proceed to spit out the mud that got into my mouth, I look around to see other pathetic people in the same situation as me, except for one

"Ah, great. The bird ate my shirt."

Perhaps not.

I scoff as I make my way to what seems to be the entrance, it has two guards on each side


Before I reach the steps, a boy approached me, I roll my eyes as he begins to speak to me,

"Oh wow. Can I touch your hair?"

He reaches out but I smack his hand away and speak in a annoyed manner,

"In your dreams, you buffoon."

I snap my fingers and I make him slap himself

Thank you all mighty for giving me the power of mind control

I snap my fingers again while continuing my hike to the entrance until I make it inside

Wow, it's very packed with villains. This is like a wish granted.

I look around before encountering that boy again, oh this is fantastic

"Put here there."

I give him a disgusted look, therefore making him continue,

"It's cleaner than my own hand. Trust me. I'm Hort by the way."

Hort. How disappointing this place is so far, I respond,

"My name is Y/n. Not that I would want you to know."

I look behind him to see a woman with red hair wearing a black suit, intriguing

I start making my way over to her in hopes of actually meeting a villain

I talk confidently,

"Excuse me, ma'am?"

She turns around and gives me a devious smile, I feel my heart start to pound

She speaks as if she knows what I am going to say,

"Let me guess? You think you're in the wrong school? How distressful. And improbable. Back up."

I scoff, I wasn't even that close and that wasn't what I was going say

"What's your name? Wait hold on let me guess."

I quickly chime in,


she smirks at me,

"Mm, y/n."

I chuckle and reply,

"Anyone could've know that. My parents are the greatest hero's ever known across the globe."

She chuckles in reply with her eyes closed, she holds up a finger to signal me she wasn't done yet,

"Of Mosvil."

She opens her eyes and looks at me

"Did I guess it? I always do. For your parents being hero's, living in The city of the demons is pretty clever."

Nobody knows that. My parents made sure of it for safety reasons, incase a villain tries anything

I hesitate,

"How did you. Anyways, that wasn't the reason I came over here."

She looks at me, intrigued

"Then why have you come over here? Just to be a pest. On with it already."

I suddenly lost my confidence, along with my thoughts

I muster up whatever I had left to offer,

"I came over here because you looked like a real villain. None of these people look villainous besides you. I want to simply meet you."

She chokes, I couldn't tell if it was from laughter or shock,

"Meet me? I'll give you more than that, I'm going to teach you. Now, excuse me, I have fresh villainy to attend to."

She waves her cane in the air and whispers to me,


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⏰ Last updated: Apr 28 ⏰

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