First day, what a waste.

9 1 0

I stand outside waiting for a type of transportation, maybe a bus or a plane of some sort?

My parents didn't tell me how I was getting there, they just packed up my suitcase and sent me out, all while turning their noses the other way

I sigh and mumble to myself,


I look around before checking the time on my phone, I scoff

"They're kidding? Right? Am I suppose to walk there? They are truly the evil ones."

As I start walking I hear a voice from behind me,

"Where are we walking to?"

Unfazed by the sudden voice trailing behind me, I reply, ignoring their question

"Clara, you're not suppose to be here."

What do I expect, she's a villain, that's why we're friends after all

She then makes her way beside me, laughing,

"I know y/n, how evil of me."

I chuckle from this knowing it isn't that villainous

I stop to look at her before speaking in a low whisper,

"Okay, Clara, My parents are sending me to the school for good and evil, they think it'll help me become a better hero,"

I laugh abruptly before continuing on,

"But we both know that won't happen. Listen, I would literally suffer without you there, and I'm not saying the good suffering. Will you come with me?"

She looks away unsure, I stand there waiting for a response,

"Mhmm, I don't know y/n. That would be pretty bad of me to go with you without telling my parents, not saying that's an issue, I just don't have anything with me."

I scoff,

"Clara, you can LITERALLY summon anything you want with a snap of a finger. What do you mean?"

I snap my fingers together to get my point across

She laughs,

"I know, I just wanted to see your reaction. It was priceless."

She snaps her finger's together and a suitcase appears out of thin air, I admire her power, it's truly remarkable

I sigh and lot out a snarky comment,

"Wow, you got me good. Let's just go."

Before I could take another step, a loud screeching sound could be heard from above us

"What. The. He-"

Just then a giant hideous bird snatches us up before we could get away

Clara and I both screamed bloody murder

I look at Clara,


I scream as the bird flies us above the clouds


I look over to find Clara passed out

So much for a villain that can't even withstand heights

I look infront of me to see two buildings with a bridge connected to them, it's the schools, great

If I had a option, I would've just stuck with the hideous bird, but of course, I didn't

I watch as the bird lets go of Clara at the school for good

I mumble,

"Great, not only is this bird ugly, it also has to be an idiot. Let me go you fool."

Just as I had asked for, it let me go, not at the same place at Clara, so that means

I fall into a giant ocean of mud, how fun.

Cold-Hearted Love| Lady Lesso Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat