Chapter 3

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Hot shot's first week at the hospital was mainly testing and giving him medication to help him get ready for leukemia treatment. Hot shot was kind of scared of some of the tests. "The tests are kind of scary," Hot shot said giving Roxy the rhino a big hug. Hot shot often hugged Roxy whenever he felt scared. He didn't know what to think of all the tests and stuff. 

"Yes the tests are kind of scary," Dr. Akers said. "But these tests help us plan your treatment carefully so we can help you get better," she said.

"I know, but I don't like the needles to my back or to my hip," Hot shot said. "It hurts," he said. 

"I know it hurts and I have this for you to help you know you are being a very brave little boy," Dr. Akers said. "These are beads of courage." she said. "You get them whenever something happens during your treatment," she said. "These beads spell out your name," she said. "The other beads I am giving you now are for the times you go stuck with needle, and had other tests done," she said.

"Cool," Hot shot said. "That is so neat," he said.

"Yes it is," Dr. Akers said. "You are a brave boy and you need to keep being brave through out your cancer treatment," she said.

"I will keep being brave," Hot shot said.

"Very good," Dr. Akers said. 

Then the next week came and Hot shot was going to start treatment. Hot shot was more than a little nervous to begin treatment here at the hospital. Hot shot was wondering what was going to happen and such. Hot shot was very scared and nervous about it. Hot shot was hoping it was going to turn out alright. 

Hot shot watched as a nurse named Martha washed her hands and got ready to give Hot shot his medication. She also took a blood sample from him. First was some oral medicines some of these were to help fight the leukemia, others were to help with the symptoms of the leukemia and others were to help with the side effects of the treatment. There were quite a few to take. Hot shot took the medicines without a fight. 

"Good job Hot shot," Martha said. "Now Your chemotherapy will soon be ready. You just have to wait for it," she said.

"Okay," Hot shot said. "Why do I have to wait for it?" he asked her. 

"That is a good question, chemotherapy that isn't oral has to be made fresh when the patient is deemed ready by the doctors at each chemo treatment," Martha explained.

"Oh okay," Hot shot said. Hot shot could except that. Hot shot was now waiting for his chemotherapy. Hot shot was kind of nervous about it too. "Mummy I am kind of scared about starting chemotherapy," he said.

"I know you are and it is going to be okay," Quickshadow said. "This medicine is to help you get better okay?" she said.

"Okay mummy," Hot shot said.

"That's my brave little boy," Quickshadow said.

Hot shot was wondering if he was going to need the other treatments like bone marrow transplant and CAR-T cell therapy. "What if I need those other therapies like bone marrow transplant and CAR-T cell therapy?" Hot shot asked.

"That is up to the doctors to decide Hot shot," Quickshadow said. "Even if you need them they will do it in a way to make sure you get the best care possible," she said.

"Oh okay," Hot shot said. "I feel many big feelings about having leukemia is that normal?' he asked.

"Yes it is normal Hot shot," Quickshadow said. "Having big feelings is normal about any kind of serious medical condition," she said. 

"It is?" Hot shot asked.

"It is, and it can be over any medical condition not just cancer," Quickshadow told him. "There will be times when daddy and I will have to switch who will be with you in the hospital during treatment, but just remember even though we leave we will always come right back," she said.

"Okay," Hot shot said. Hot shot was feeling a bit better after talking to his mother. Hot shot soon saw Martha return with an IV pole with a pump. There were even some medicines in syringes, in bags, and in needles. 

"Hot shot are you ready?" Martha asked.

"I'm ready," Hot shot said. 

"Very good," Martha said. Hot shot first got the shots and they kind of hurt. A couple were into the muscle and one was a shot into his back and that kind of hurt. Then Hot shot had to take a couple more oral medications. They tasted very nasty. Hot shot was able to have a nice sweet cookie to help with the taste. Then he watched as Martha washed her hands and prepared the IV and pump. Then she washed her hands again and applied some gloves. She cleaned the central line. Then she attached one of three syringes to his central line unclamped the line and did a pulsing motion. Then after about 10 minutes that one was finished. Then she did the other two which also took about 14 minutes. Hot shot was glad that wasn't hurting at all. Then she attached the IV lines to the Hickman line openings and unclamped the second line. Then started the pump.

"There you go Hot shot all set," Martha said. "Now you can do what you like while getting chemotherapy through the pump," she said.

"Can I go to the Chic-fil-a for lunch?" Hot shot asked.

"Yes," Martha said.

"Can I go to the playroom?' Hot shot asked.

"Yes," Martha said.

"Can I go to the gift shop and the build a bear?" Hot shot asked.

"Yes," Martha said. "You can go anywhere in the hospital pretty much while getting your chemotherapy, you can eat, drink, watch TV, watch movies, play with toys, play games and even take a nap if you want too," she said.

"I like that a lot," Hot shot said. "It doesn't even hurt with the central line," he said.

"No it doesn't because this makes it easier to get the medicine you need without needing so many needles," Martha said. "Though some medicines you will still need to get through needles, this helps less some of the needles needed," she said. "During treatment you will also get blood transfusions and platelets to help your blood," she said.

"Okay," Hot shot said. "Does that hurt?" he asked.

"No it doesn't it will be given through your central line," Martha said. "There will be times during treatment when your line will have to be cleaned, flushed and have the dressing changed, that is all completely normal," she said. "This will help you get better and stronger," she said. "It will also make it easier for you to get treatments and blood tests that you need," she explained.

"Cool," Hot shot said. "That is neat," he said. "Will my bruises from my leukemia go away?" he asked.

"Yes they will, just be patient and they will go away, but you will get more most likely some of it due to the leukemia and others due to the treatment but you will need to be strong okay?" Martha said.

"I will be strong," Hot shot said. "How long does chemotherapy last at times at each treatment?" he asked.

"Shots and oral chemotherapy tend to take a few minutes to 20 minutes, while IV chemotherapy can take up to an hour or over a day," Martha said.

"Okay," Hot shot said. "Now I am ready to have some fun," he said.

"That's great," Martha said.

"I am going to go to the build a bear," Hot shot said.

"Okay then," Martha said.

Hot shot headed over to the build a bear with his mother. Hot shot chose a dragon that looked like Peaks up front. Hot shot had it stuffed and had Texas Rangers shirt and red sneakers put on it. Hot shot loved it a lot. Then Hot shot went to the Chic-fil-a for lunch. Hot shot ate all of the nuggets, waffle fries and drank all of his juice. Then Hot shot got to go to the zooty frooti yogurt place. Hot shot was happy to have some of that frozen yogurt. It was very tasty. Hot shot was able to spend time with his mother that day.

Hot shot was soon back in his room. He was playing with his toys and listened to his mom read him a story. Hot shot was happy to hear the story too. Hot shot soon heard the pump bleep. That meant chemotherapy was done. Martha came in and disconnect the IV lines and closed the clamps over Hot shot's Hickman lines. Now Hot shot could rest before more chemotherapy the next day.

Hot shot was going to be very brave in facing his leukemia. He was going to be super brave too!

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⏰ Last updated: May 02 ⏰

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