You Always Go To The Parties

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W.C. - 5.7 k


"Do I really have to go? I can't even drink legally here." You groan, there was nothing stopping you from collecting your things and getting the hell out of that apartment in Boston, well except the manners instilled in you from an early age. There was nothing you'd like more than to crawl up in bed and sleep for the next few weeks.

No way Emma would let you do that.

The sophomore defender had been one of the only people that had come back to college early, having been asked to show you around the campus and the facilities. She had quickly taken you under her wing, which meant that she wouldn't let you sulk in bed the rest of August.

Brown cardboard boxes filled to the brim with different things, ranging from clothes to knick knacks, were stacked to the ceiling in the otherwise empty apartment. You didn't mind, clearly, but it bothered Em.

You tuck your hands behind your head, staring up at the ceiling from your mattress that was placed directly on the floor. Your button up had the first few buttons undone, the top of your chest displayed for Em to see, you had even put your fancy trousers on for the stupid party you didn't even want to attend.

"Yes, you really have to. How else do you expect to make friends, your cute British accent will only get you that far, you actually need to put in some effort okay?" Rolling your eyes at her words, you were quickly made to get up off the makeshift bed, getting pushed towards the door.


"No buts, you are going because I need someone to drive me home when I'm black out drunk tonight, you don't want me to drink and drive right?" You can't help but contemplate over her words, feeling the girl's hand come down on your shoulder harshly.

Clearly she didn't like that.

"I mean you could just, I don't know...not drink?" She looks at you like she's disgusted you'd even think about saying something like that, like she has to drink.

"Wow, it really is obvious your parents are rich." You lock the door up as you look at her through the corner of your eye, a slightly judgemental look in your eyes.

Your parents were rich, but they didn't spoil you so you weren't one of those snobby rich kids, you were just like anyone else. Only you had access to more money than most.

"Shut up." Emma puts her hands up in the air, like she's surrendering to you, but you see the way she's smiling slyly at you. Note to self; don't get defensive when Em brings up your rich parents.

"You know, I could use a new Gucci bag if you want to contact daddy dear." She looks up at you pleadingly as you make your way to her car, there was no way you'd use your car, it was far too expensive to be left outside a frat house. You really had to get a more beat up one.

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