Chapter 2

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Hot shot was in Cook Children's Hospital. Hot shot has just found out he has Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia or ALL a type of blood cancer. Hot shot's ALL is of the B-cell variety. Hot shot was going to start treatment as soon as possible. This treatment was going to help him beat his leukemia. Hot shot was going to get treatment for two to three years. They were going to start off with basic chemotherapy as treatment. But there is a chance he might need a bone marrow transplant and CAR-T cell therapy. These treatments were just in case the other treatments haven't worked. These treatments were going to help Hot shot in chemotherapy wasn't doing a good job at fighting off the cancer. But Hot shot was wondering many things he was wondering why he got cancer in the first place. Was it his fault he got cancer, was he bad? Hot shot was wondering if other people could catch it from him. But he was also wondering was it normal to have all sorts of big feelings. Hot shot was wondering what it was going to be like during chemotherapy. Hot shot was kind of scared and nervous about it but he was going to be very brave during treatment and face his cancer head on and defeat it too. 

Hot shot was dreaming and was having a fun time in his dream. The fire came out of no where. He heard an alarm. Hot shot was wondering what was happening at the moment. He heard something. "Leukemia Alert! Leukemia Alert! Alert the body! Alert the body!" he heard. Hot shot saw things were getting pretty bad. Then Hot shot saw something it was a hose. It looked like the kind firefighters used. Hot shot was kind of interested and grabbed it. There was writing on the hose. Hot shot was able to read some and read what it said. "Use this to fight the Leukemia fire, it will destroy it," Hot shot read. "Warning, using this hose can make you feel sick, tired, weak and make your hair fall out, but it will help make the leukemia fire go away," he read. "This hose has three different settings use the first setting first if that doesn't work use the second setting it may help, if the second setting doesn't work try the third setting, only use third setting if the first and second don't work," Hot shot read.  "Use first setting for a short bit before using third setting if you have to use it," he read. Then Hot shot started to use the hose to fight the fire. 

Hot shot was feeling the effects of the hose. Hot shot was doing his best to fight the fire. Then Hot shot was woken up by a nurse to given him medicine. Hot shot was not happy about that. Hot shot took the medicine and then went back to sleep Hot shot's sleep was pretty much dreamless after that. Hot shot woke up the next morning and saw the sun was up and heard the birds singing. He saw his mother there. "Good morning mummy," Hot shot said stretching. 

"Good morning Hot shot," Quickshadow said. "How are you feeling?" she asked.

"Okay I guess," Hot shot said. "I know I am soon going to start treatment, but I am kind of scared of how it may go," he said. 

"That is normal try not worry about it too much okay?" Quickshadow said. "It will not be an easy road Hot shot but your father and I are here for you throughout it all," she said. "The rest of the family knows to and you are going to be okay," she said.

Then a bit later Dr. Akers came into the room. "Good morning Hot shot how are you feeling today?" Dr. Akers said.

"I am okay I guess," Hot shot said. "I have a few questions," he said.

"I will try to answer them," Dr. Akers said.

"Is it my fault I have cancer?" Hot shot asked.

"No it is not your fault, it is no ones fault," Dr. Akers said. "Nothing you or anyone did caused the cancer," she said. "It is something that just happens," she said. "it often happens for no reason," she added.

"Why did I get cancer in the first place?" Hot shot asked.

"Some kids get cancer and others don't doctors don't know the reason," Dr. Akers said. 

"I am kind of worried about starting treatment is that normal?' Hot shot asked.

"Yes that is completely normal," Dr. Akers said.

"Is feeling big feelings normal too?" Hot shot asked.

"Yes that is normal too," Dr. Akers said. 

"Do some people with cancer not get better?" Hot shot asked after having that thought.

"True some people with cancer die, but many do get better now due to the advances in medicine," Dr. Akers said. "The good thing about leukemia is most kids with it get better," she said.

"Okay," Hot shot said. "What is it like going through treatment?" he asked.

"All treatments for cancer are intense and have bad side effects, but the important thing is it can help you in the long run." Dr. Akers said. "These treatments have helped save many lives," she said. "There will be times when you feel really bad and sick, and there will be times when you feel good and fine," she said. "So you will have good days and bad days which is normal," she told him.

"Oh okay," Hot shot said. "Did I catch cancer and can other people catch my cancer?" he asked.

"No it is not contagious you can't catch it, it is something that happens randomly in the body's own cells so it is not caused by germs," Dr. Akers said.

"Okay," Hot shot said. "I am going to fight and I am determined to get better," he said. "I am going to do my treatment and if I need other types of treatment I will face it head on," he said.

"That's the spirit," Dr. Akers said. "I know you will have the support and love of your friends and family, and they are going to be with you all the way," she said. "Because they love you," she said. 

"I love them too," Hot shot said. Hot shot had to get all kinds of tests that day the next few days were going to be full of tests to make sure he was doing alright before treatment and get his body ready for treatment. Hot shot was going to be super brave and fight his leukemia fire and win!

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