Chapter Twenty-Six

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Melody Taylor

Melody looked at her food not really having an appetite. She finally was allowed to sleep upstairs instead of the basement. She would have rather taken the basement than to be chained to a bed every night and chained to Dominic during the day.

"So I made desert and if you continue to keep this behavior up. I might let you watch tv." He said.

Melody mentally rolled her eyes before he uncuffed his hand cuffing her to the table.

"I'll be back." He smiled patting her head.

Melody watched as he walked away before hearing the front door open. She watched as Jennny removed her coat and walked further into the dining room.

"Jenny." Melody whispered.

Jenny looked at her and scuffed folding her arms.

"I'm not letting you out." She whispered back.

Melody was confused this couldn't possibly be the same woman who was begging her for help on her divorce.

"I'm sorry." Melody said.

"For what?" Jenny asked confused.

"You came to me for help and I refused...I am sorry." Melody said.

Jenny looked at her before looking away.

"He wasn't like this at first...I mean I knew he had an anger problem but...when we ran into you guys at that gala things took a turn for the worst. I should've left then...but I didn't so I'm trying to make best of a shitty situation because believe it or not Melody I am a victim as well." Jenny said.

"Jenny you can't call yourself a victim when you have the option to leave and do the right thing. At this point you are a survivor...once he's done with me, you're going to get it worse." Melody said.

Jenny locked eyes with her and shook her head.

"He wouldn't touch a hair on your head, you're his prize possession...the one that got away. I envy the way he looks at you're everything to him. I want that someday even if it's not from Dominic." She said.

"And you can get that Jenny, if you do the right thing...he doesn't love you. So why would you stick around for someone who does nothing but abuses you. You can find love." Melody said.

Jenny shook her head and Dominic returned before she could say anything else.

"I'm back baby." Dominic smiled placing a pastry in front of her.

Melody watched as Jenny walked away.

"Dom." Melody said making sure to use his nickname.

"I haven't heard that in ages." He chuckled.

"I have a question." She said.

"Ok what is it?" He asked.

"How did you know I was investigating?" She asked.

He looked at her and smiled.

"You asked me this already Mel." He said.

"I know, but I did a thorough investigation...the evidence was hard. How did you get out?" She asked.

"Well with Jenny recanting her statement that helped a lot, and a call to a very old friend from the DA's office. He moved some things around since he owed me a favor and wala, I'm out." He said.

Mel nodded.

"Why did you kill Mr.Brown?" She asked.

"For you of course, after seeing you with Mingi...something just snapped in me. I knew you wouldn't willingly come to me so I killed him to spook you. Thats why I came to you after thinking you needed a friend, but you pushed me away...and I didn't take that lightly. I gave you chance after chance to do things the easy way and you didn't so this is the end result." He said.

Melody felt her heart break as she began crying, she was tired...Dominic wrapped his arms around her causing her to cry harder. She hated him and if she could go back into time, she would've never taken Mr.Browns case.

But from what Dominic just revealed...he was going to get his way one way or another. She needed to think of a plan because waiting around for the police wasn't going to help.

"How about a bath?" He asked.

Melody didn't even get the chance to answer before he grabbed her and dragged her to the bathroom. By the time they reached the bathroom she was out of breath, He un-cuffed her and looked at her.

"Take your clothes off." He said.

Melody shook her head.

"Come on baby, it's not like I haven't seen that body before." He chuckled pulling at the ends of her shirt.

Melody sniffed before removing her clothes, she covered her private areas with her hands. She felt so humiliated, here she was pregnant and ass naked in front of her ex. The only person she thought of was Mingi..."I gotta get back to Mingi." the only thing that filled her mind was Mingi and his handsome face.

He helped her into the bath and cuffed her hand to the side end of it, he sat on the toilet and folded his arms.

"Relax baby." He said moving her hair out of her face.

She winced at his touch causing him to frown.

"You really need to loosen up." He chuckled.

Melody mentally rolled her eyes wishing this nightmare would end.

Song Mingi

Mingi did a weak smile as his mother placed a plate in front of him, she and his father decided to come stay with him thanks to San calling them. He looked at the food she cooked and could he sit here and eat when Melody was gone. Did she eat? So many questions went through his's been six days since he's spoken to Woo-Young and he was growing impatient.

"Mingi, please you have to eat something. You're all skin and bones." Mrs.Song sighed.

"Mom...I can't eat, I can't sleep...what do I do? I feel helpless." He said.

"You need to eat to be strong, you can't help Melody if you're weak." Mr.Song said.

Mingi fiddled with his food and sighed before standing up, he walked away.


"Let him go."Mr.Song said.

Mingi dragged his feet to his room before closing the door, he rubbed his temples before he closed his eyes.

"I miss you cupcake." He mumbled.

He pulled his knees to his chest and rocked back and fourth.

"So fucking much." He cried.




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