Chapter Twenty-Five

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Melody Taylor

Melody rocked back and fourth, her brain felt like mush. She didn't know if it was day or night since they kept her in what seemed like a basement. She felt like she was in here for years...but she knew it was days seeing as they brought her food everyday.

She heard heavy foot steps before scooting back. The door opened and closed as the foot steps grew closer, the door opened revealing Dominic.

"Hello beautiful." He smiled.

Melody scuffed.

"I was thinking maybe we go for a walk." He suggested.

Melody sat up quickly. Outside meant freedom.

"Ok." She said standing.

He held his hand out for her to take causing her to look at him suspiciously.

"I don't bite." He smirked.

Melody grabbed his hand only for him to hand cuff her wrist to his.

"You didn't think I was that stupid?" He asked in a chuckle.

She winced as the light hit her eyes, once her eyes adjusted she took in the scenery of where she was.

"Police are still looking for Defense Attorney Melody Taylor. Due to the lack of publicity to her kidnapping her boyfriend Mingi Song has planted billboards in every part of New York City-"

Melody looked at Jenny as she turned the television off.

"Mingi's alive..." She said to herself.

"Unfortunately, babe we'll be back I'm going to let her get fresh air." Dominic said.

"Ok, I'm going to head into the city we're running low on groceries." She said grabbing the keys.

Melody watched her every movement before she disappeared out back. Dominic pulled her arm causing her to wince in pain.

"You know, Jenny is a good woman. She cooks, cleans, sucks and shut the fuck up." He chuckled.

Melody looked at him in disgust.

"Good thing we never worked out." She mumbled.

He grabbed her face roughly pulling her close to him.

"Watch it." He said.

Melody rubbed her jaw as he dragged her outside. She knew they were on the outskirts of New York due to the lack of buildings. They had to be in an abandoned town of some sort.

"But one thing I do miss is that fiery attitude of yours. The way you talked so slick and just you in general." He sighed.

"Dominic please just let me go, I'll forget this ever happen. Please." She begged.

"You think that I'm going to let you go, after the shit you pulled. You should've mind your fucking business but noooo, you had to be the investigator. So for the next year you're stuck with me." He scuffed.

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