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next morning 10:26 am april 26th.

i got up and did my hygiene which was taking a shower brushing my teeth etc. i cooked up some breakfast for myself which was really small cause i definitely need to go grocery shopping today and get more home decor.


"hey mila"

"hey yanna watchu on today?"

"i'm finna go grocery shopping and probably stop at home goods why ?"

"you wanna go with me to this guy house that i've been talking to? he asked me to bring a friend cause his friend gon be there"

"uhm sure what time?"

"anytime can i go with you to run your errands?"

"yes i was literally finna ask you" running errands like this are stuff we enjoy for a time to hangout.

"okay what time?"

"let's go at 1:30 ish?"

"sure call me when your on the way"

"okay i gotchu" i said and hung up

since i already took a shower all i did was rebrush my teeth and got back in bed cayse i was gonna take another nap.

2 hours later - 1:15

i got up and brushed my teeth and did a little bit of makeup only concealer a little blush and some highlight.

mila❣️: what are you gonna wear?

kiyana🫧: i'm gonna wear medium wash ripped jean shorts with a brown short sleave top and my tasmans.

mila❣️: ou okay i'm gonna wear shorts too

kiyana🫧: okay i'm gonna be omw right now.

mila❣️: okay call me

kiyana🫧: i will

and with that i grabbed my purse and put all my essentials in it.

i walked outside and heard a familiar voice saying wassup to me. it was the boy from yesterday.

"hi" i said while looking at him.

"where you bout to go"

"to run some errands and go with my friend to her man house."

"oh ight."

"where you finna go" i asked back cause like it's only right?

"i'm going to my homeboys house but i never got ur name what is it?"

"kiyana what's yours?"

"jakari but you could call me kari."

"you have a nice name but i'm gonna get going i'll see you later probably."

"thank you ma, and igh ima catch you."

"no problem bye" i said and walked the opposite way.


2 hours later

"this crib is nice." i said to mila.

"literally it's so much better inside let's go."
she said and rushed out the car.

We walked into the house and my nose was met with a strong whif of weed and cologne it smelt great. as we walk into the living room i see 2 boys sitting around the room, one of them being  jakari.
i gave him a small smile and he returned it with a head nod i could tell he was high as hell.

"wassup mila is this kiyana?" her boyfriend said.

"yes, kiyana this is ameer, ameer this is kiyana and that over there is kari he don't talk much."

"hi guys" i said and they both said hi back.

"can i sit here?" i said asking jakari if i could basically sit next to him.

"yeah cmon." he said and scoot over to give me room.

"thank you" i said and he gave me a head nod.

"what you doing here?"

"i'm just here for mila"

"oh shi that's wassup you goin home soon?"

"yeah in like 20 minutes."

"wanna give me a ride i ain bring my car"

"sure lemme ask mila if she staying here longer" i said and texted mila cause she was upstairs.

"she said she wants to spend the night here you wanna leave right now? you look tired"

"yeah let's go"  he said

"okay cmon" i replied and went to my car.

"nice whip" he said as he shut the door

"thank you" i said while smiling and admiring my car.

"yup no problem let's go get sum to eat"

"what you wanna eat"

"i'm down for whatever so you choose"

"chick fil a?"


"igh let me spark up real quick" i said while opening the glove department and grabbing my pre rolls.

"youn look like the smoker type"

"there's alot about me youn know about." i said while lighting it up.

30 minutes later

we finished our food in my car infront of our apartments. we had small talk for a little bit then shi got awkward sometimes but it was chill.

"let me get your number." he said and stuck his phone out for me to type it in. i put my phone number in and turned the car off.

i got back into my apartment and thought it's only 7 right now and i'm bored as hell. i decided on watching a movie for the night at the end. i watched tinker bell and fell asleep on my couch.


small chapter they will be getting bigger soon!!!

how y'all like it so far give me tips....

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