Chapters 23

633 34 11

Marinette open her eyes and sat up from her bed. Her head was pounding and her stomach was growling.

She looked over to her side to see Chat sleeping next to her.

She grabbed the covers and pulled them off of her before slowly slipping out of bed. The room was so hot.

She looks around her floor for a moment before picking up her panties and putting them on and also putting her bra before leaving the room.

She felt so weak, she hadn't eaten anything yet. Chat didn't even give her the chance to eat anything before he fucked her.

She was so weak that she had to stop walking. On top of her being hungry her body was so hot.

She couldn't even turn on the AC because she need to sit down.  Everything felt so wired.

She didn't know how long she had been on the floor.  She only looked up when she felt someone's present. It was Chat staring down at her.

He looked her in her eyes for a few seconds before grabbing her. He pulled her up by her arm and placed her on his shoulder.

He took her back to the room before leaving.  Marinette groan as she laid in bed. She felt like complete shit, her body felt like it was failing her.

A few minutes later the AC began blowing. When she felt the cold air she let out a sigh of relief. 

Her Body began cooling down and her head stop hurting a little bit. She didn't know were the hell Chat was, to be honest she really didn't care at the moment. All she care about was trying to get back to normal. 

15 minutes later Chat came back with something in his hands.

"Eat" He said while placing the food in front of her.

Marinette sat up and grabbed the bag and opened up the plate of food. Inside was chicken Alfredo. 

"Thank you" She said as she pulled the plate out.

Like away he did say anything he just watch her eat the food. When Marinette taste it she almost cried. She was so grateful that she finally had something to eat.

Chat didn't even say a word to her. He just sat on her bed and turned the TV on.

Chat - You don't have Netflix Hulu or Disney Plus?

Marinette - I did but my mom changed the password. 

Chat hummed before downloading the apps on her TV. While he was doing so Marinette got up and walk over towards her closet. She began pulling out her clothes because she need a shower. 

When she was done she walked over to her bed side tablet and grab her phone to see what time it was.

2:30 P.M.

She bit her lips before sitting her phone down.

"Are you staying the night?" Marinette said to him.

Chat - Mybe or Mybe not. Why are you asking?

He said as he turned his head to look at her.

Marinette - Oh I was asking because I might have school tomorrow. 

Chat - Ok and?

Marinette - I didn't want to stay up all night you know?

Chat looked at her before looking back at the TV. Marinette sigh before going to her bathroom. She noticed that he wasn't talkative to day. The only thing they didn't was have sex and slept have the day away.

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