Chapter 24

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"Shit" Chat said while Marinette poured peroxide and alcohol on his back. 

Marinette - Shhh not so loud my mom is downstairs. 

Marinette was sitting on his lower back cleaning up his new cut. This time it wasn't as big as the last one. He said someone had cut him while  in the middle of fighting. 

Marinette  - Luckily for you I still have a little bit of that cream left. It'll help take the pain away and also help heal the cut.

Chat just nodded his head before feeling her rub the cream on his back.

She really thought he was coming over for some sex time. Ever since her and Chat have been spending time with each other she's been adding little details to her room.

Like before they had sex she would make sure to clean up her whole entire room, and light her candle up. Chat had bought her a candle that she lights up every time he trying over. She also started making him meals and giving him back massages.

She slowly began liking every time he came over even if they just had sex or just laid in her bed she loved it because she didn't feel lonely.

She didn't have the chance to show him her new lingerie because she never knew when he was going to be there or stay the night.

Once she was done putting the cream on him she got up and walk over to her desk. He had came over while she was on the middle of doing her homework. 

She cut her big light off and turned her lamp on so that Chst could rest up.

40 minutes later While she was doing her homework Samantha knocked on her door. She got up and walk over towards it to answer it.

Samantha - Hey love sorry for interrupting you I'm just here to let you know I'm going to be going to the restaurant for tonight and next week I will be going again.

Marinette - Aww you just got back.

Samantha - I know but duty calls.

Marinette - Yeah your right about that. Come on I'll walk you out.

Samantha said ok before they both left the room. Once they were gone Chat let out a sigh. 

"Fuck I need to pull myself together" He said to himself. 

Due to him not having enough time to come over here with her he hadn't shown her any of the new toys that he had brought her.

He let out a groan before rolling his shoulder.  He was so damn tired.  He had to worry about school, take care of the company, being Chat, and watch Marinette.

While he was in the middle of stretching the door to her room opened again. 

Marinette - Are you ok? Do you need anything?

Chat - Yeah a fucking massage and a damn BJ.

Marinette blush after he said the last part. " I found some oil that's supposed to help with your joints."

Chat laid back down on the bed and waited for her. It took her 15 minutes before she came back out. When she came back into the room he could smell her candle. It smell like strawberry vanilla. 

"Chat I bought this the other day I wanted to show you but you been busy."

After she said that he turned around to look at her. His mouth almost fell opened when he seen her.

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