1.Gunfire in the tunnels

Start from the beginning

us three individuals were known as the night family me, Selena, and Kaliya.

The other two who joined in were the relationships to the Night family, There was the long brown-haired male about the same height as me, with glasses who spoke softly, who too had an aura around him he wore a velvet jacket around him with a hood attached, jeans and a shirt of red and black and skate shoes this was Judas due to reasons he doesn't have an a last name he is the relationships to the anarchic cowgirl Selena

And the last was a girl the same size as Kali, with blue eyes, long blackish hair thin beautiful almost russian looking with an English accent and she wore also a jacket with a hood she was slightly freckled, cute,wore a punk jacket and had blue fingernails-the youngest. This was Sarah, Judas's sister, and Kaliya's girlfriend.

The trip wasn't long, but it was tedious, after a long trip traveling from Paris I was still getting used to being dead for a time. However, at that moment we were quite excited about traveling to London, was it an assignment? Was it a vacation honestly I think the girls would take anything for some time with me selena and Judas but right now little Kali and Sarah were having a tickle fight with one another leaving me Selena and Judas to chat.

"Vampires? Is that the reason you dragged me and Sarah along and Kali? non puoi essere serio"

 which meant "you cant be serious" in Italian and I pouted slightly 

"Sis it seems that you have forgotten piuttosto rapidamente that for a long time, we have been barred from each other dont you think Little Kali  Judas, you and I and Sarah deserve some time together before I, I mean we once again go off and risk our necks?"

 and she scowled she knew what I was referring to and she understood Italian because I slipped in "rather quickly" in Italian. It wasn't long ago that I had come back from the 7th circle of hell called the city of Dis as a prisoner from the tombs of heretics, and due to her..shines we almost couldn't bring back Kali, this whole journey had many pitfalls that could have cost any of their lives and souls.

"I know dear brother I know what we've been through but for us vacations aren't always "breathing time" She did the air quotes "It's often an assignment or a fight who are we meeting up with? vogliamo del tempo da soli con te" which meant "We want to spend alone time with you" in italian.

 and I looked to Judas who raised his arms as if saying "Im not saying it" I sighed and said

 "We're meeting up with a group of aristocrats in the center of London," 

she raised an eyebrow at me and judas and pulled her black denim vest closer to her. 

"we are meeting a group of aristocrats? Wow puoi darmene un po' di più? Like who they are? what they are?" which meant "Can you give me a little more" in Italian. I scowled 

"That's the weird part we dont know" and She scowled slightly and started to do her makeup. 

"Then how do you know they are vampires?" Judas piped in

 "Because we are meeting them at night?" 

she scowled "ok so what else besides aristocrats in London at night?" she asked slightly being moved about by the train.

 and took out the paper copy from the email and handed it to her and when she grabbed it she blinked and  read;

"Even a man who is pure in heart, and says his prayers by night, May become a wolf when the wolfbane blooms And the moon is full and bright Or crave each other's blood when the sun goes down and his body takes to flight" Underneath it says in bloodred letters, "in the rain of the London skies, our family is being slaughtered and we dont know why or who, we invoke the warlocks of Rome as a last resort before we starting arming ourselves, the auras of the deceased is neither ours nor anything we've faced, some of our members are prone to superstition and the ghost stories of vampires werewolves and witches dont help"

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