Edwin the Unhelpful

Start from the beginning

Michonne stalked around them, placing herself between Rick and Amy's family when Billy carried Braden over with Emma rushing forward to hug them. Amy couldn't help but smile at the hunter a little somberly, knowing they had no idea where their siblings were. Jamie finally relaxed when they reached the safety and familiarity of the RV, rushing right into the shower.

"Wade and Tony offered to set some sirens off to the south." Michonne jumped right in as soon as she placed Andre down on the loft bed beside Braden. "Everyone else is anxious to move on but..."

"We didn't find any sign of Hector, Andrea, or Merle still being on the farm." Amy finished with a nod, pulling out an outfit for Jamie before making them coffee. God, she wished she could take a shower but there was too much to do. "I won't declare them dead before finding the body."

"What are you going to tell Miranda?" Michonne accepted the mug with a grim smile, a little bit of hope shining in her eyes.

"The truth." Daryl nodded, his shoulders slumped inward defensively. "They're out there, just gotta find 'em."

"The only problem is we can't stay here too long, it's almost November." Amy sighed, leaning her hip against the counter. Glancing to the side she felt her spirits rise when Jamie crawled into bed to be sandwiched between Billy and Emma. "We have to get to Kings County, they all knew that was our next stop. Then, we need to plan if we find somewhere to bunk down for the winter or carry on to the school."

"Ya left 'em signs at the farm ta come here or Kings County." Daryl grunted, looking down at his mug guilty after glancing at the children. "Can' stay wit' that group of men bein' in the area. Never know when we might run into them or they find us."

"We can leave them notes, let them know we're all fine and waiting for them to catch up. You're right, they knew the plan. Hector even planned the route to the school." Michonne suggested, her chin resting on her palm while she tapped her fingers to the table. "There's still the other group we have to deal with. Are we really letting them tag along?"

"Herschel is following Maggie's lead and Maggie is looking to Patiricia after our talk yesterday." Amy looked out the window, her stomach heavy with dread. "After finding out that they all knew what Shane and Glenn were up to, I wouldn't...nah, I would still feel guilty leaving those kids to die."

"Aint no reason ta trust 'em again." He grunted, turning her gaze onto him. She subconsciously drifted closer to him, placing a gentle hand on his shoulder.

"I've already said my piece." The blonde put her coffee down, to rub his tense shoulders, ignoring Michonne's raised brow. His brother was missing, just like Andrea, she couldn't help but feel for him. Leaning forward, she lowered her voice so that the children wouldn't overhear. "After Jamie falls asleep, I'm going to ask Jimmy and Beth to sit in here with them so we can organize the others.

It took until almost lunch time for Jamie to finally give into the exhaustion, leaving Amy to rearrange the children a little. Daryl marked off a perimeter that the kids could not cross with some rope while leaving Beth and Jimmy in charge of them. Miranda held little hope for her husband finding them, even after she was informed of Merle and Andrea escaping from the swarm. Apparently, Mitch let Edwin know they had gotten separated in the woods after they heard a child scream. Hector had lost it, rushing through the thick waves of walkers in a panic, screaming Eliza'a name.

Tony, John, Sam, Jean, and Tater dragged tires from Mitch's endless pit to the front of the yard and made quick seats for everyone. So, by the time Amy had calmed down her friend and reassured her anxious children, the entire group was sitting in the front yard waiting. Having the eyes of the entire group made her just a little uncomfortable but she couldn't let that stop her. She knew she had to do this, she had been putting it off for weeks since the cops started their games.

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