Of How A Tarnished And Shadow Became Elden Lord...

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Your eyes shoot open as you gasp for air, you quickly sit up as you realize you're back at the lake's battlefield. You quickly realize that your wounds are healed. You look around for the Elden Beast, but most importantly, Blaidd. You find Blaidd still fighting with the Elden Beast, you slowly grab your sword and stand up.

Blaidd slashes at the Elden Beast with tears falling out of his eyes.

"I'LL FUCKING KILL YOU! I'LL KILL YOU! YOU GOD DAMN BASTARD!" Blaidd swipes at the Elden Beasts golden wound, it struggles to keep up with the speed of Blaidd's attacks.

The Elden Beast lifts it's hand in the air, it glows gently before slamming down into the ground. A large gold explosion sends Blaidd flying back. He lands on his back with a grunt before quickly opening his eyes.

"God FUCKING D-..." Blaidd's eyes widen with a gasp as he sees a familiar face standing over him.

You extend your hand out to Blaidd with a smile, "I didn't hear a fuckin bell."

Blaidd can't help but let the tears continue to fall as he slowly grabs your hand, "A-Are you... Real? Are you alive?"

"I'll explain later, but for now we have a God to kill." You pull Blaidd up to his feet as he wipes his tears, "Besides, we can't let Gideon be right about us."

Blaidd chuckles before pulling you into a tight hug. He pulls back before placing a hand on the back of your head and one on your butt. He gropes your butt while pushing his lips against yours. His tongue quickly slides inside your mouth and meets your tongue before he pulls out and smiles.

You quickly spit out this taste, "Ugh you bastard, you taste like blood." You look at him with a smile.

"I couldn't risk losing you again, sorry." Blaidd wipes his mouth with a smile.

You both chuckle before facing the Elden Beast. It slowly swims towards you and Blaidd. It stops moving and glows before extending it's fins. It let's out a deep roar as thousands of small golden spears begin to hone in on you and Blaidd. You both split up and run towards the Elden Beast, all while the spears rain down on you and Blaidd, they trail behind you ever so slightly. The golden spears finally stop raining down, the Elden Beast lowers it's fins as you and Blaidd finally catch up to it. Your blade glides across the Elden Beasts torso like a hot knife to warm butter. You slice at it's golden wound as hard as you can. Blaidd fights alongside you matching your speed and strength. The Elden Beast swipes at you with it's hand, you and Blaidd quickly backstep and make distance between you and the Elden Beast. The sacred sword begins to glow before the Elden Beast swipes in your direction. You duck and jump over the golden arcs before jumping into the air and preparing to slam down on the golden wound. The Elden Beast quickly dives into the water before you can make contact with it. You stand up and look around for where it's going to appear out from.

Blaidd finally catches up with you as the Elden Beast reappears afar. It swirls around in the water before leaping out of it and over you and Blaidd.

"Blaidd, I have an idea but you HAVE to trust me." You turn to Blaidd as 3 rings begin to appear around you and Blaidd.

"I trust you... I trust you with my life" Blaidd looks anxious but places his faith in you.

You watch as the Elden Beasts body glows golden with the Elden Ring flashing in the sky. It erupts into a bright gold color as the 3 rings begin to swirl around you and Blaidd. Blaidd quickly sprints out of them before they rupture a wave of gold. You slowly follow behind with a plan. You watch as the golden energy bursts out of the rings with the Elden Beast slowly appearing backup. With the final burst, Blaidd grabs onto you and tosses you jump into the air with your sword pointed at the wound of the Elden Beast. The energy disappears and the Elden Beast spots you. It readies it's blade with a wave of energy as you prepare to slam down at it. Your sword pierces the chest of the Elden Beast and slowly slide down, opening up it's entire innards. The Elden Beast roars in pain as you finally reach the floor and pull your sword out of it's body. The Elden Beast slowly collapses to the floor once you pull the sword out, the battle is won.

As the Elden Beast falls to the ground, it emits a golden fog that rushes around you and Blaidd. You both cover your eyes to see that you've been transported back inside the Erdtree. Queen Marika is completely turned to stone as her petrified and broken body kneels down in the middle of the stone platform. Her arms are snapped off and crumbled, her head lays in front of her kneeling body, there's one final thing you need to do.

You turn to Blaidd, he nods. You both walk up and gently grab onto the head of Queen Marika, you both place the head back onto the body, it snaps onto place. The Elden Ring glows out of Queen Marika's body. She slowly begins to fade away into golden dust as the Erdtree's innards begin to glow a golden color once more. You and Blaidd both begin to glow before you're teleported out of the Erdtree's entrance carefully.

"The fallen leaves tell a story..."

You take Blaidd's hand as you both walk out of the Erdtree and down the stairs. Together, you walk to the Elden Throne. The sun shines down brightly, it's warm and comforting.

"Of how a Tarnished and a lost Shadow became... Elden Lord..."

You extend your arm out for Blaidd to sit on the throne first, as he sits down, you follow and sit between his lap. He slowly wraps his arm around your body and nuzzles his face into your neck from behind.

"In our home... Across the fog... The Land's Between..."

A calm wind blows through the empty city of Leyndell, the ash slowly blows away as the rooftops become visible once more.

"Our seed will look back upon us and recall..."

The Erdtree is burned and scarred. It already shows signs of healing however, it's branches show small budding leaves. It shines down on the Land's Between as if nothing ever happened to it. Life returns back to normal now that order is restored. Blaidd kisses your neck gently and squeezes you before leaning back into the throne, you lean back into his embrace with a soft sigh, you've won.

"The Age Of The Lovers..."

Blaidd x Male ReaderNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ