Of How A Tarnished And Shadow Became Elden Lord...

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"Oh... Dear Tarnished... It seems you have been met with a terrible fate..."

The world around you is bitterly cold, you can't move your body, everything is just black. You feel a warm presence move over to your ear.

"The Tarnished who would be Elden Lord..."

Your heart feels warm, as if someone is holding it and cradling it gently.

"Rise... If you would..."

You feel your heart painfully inserted into your chest. It hurts but your mouth has no energy to cry.

"For that is our curse..."

Your eyes gently open, you find yourself laying on your back in a field of golden tulips. The sky is scattered with clouds and filled with a gentle gold colored sky. You see a familiar face standing over you as your eyes adjust to the light, it extends a hand out to you.

"To stand before the Elden Ring..."

Your eyes finally adjust to see... Melina? Your eyes widen as you quickly sit up and look around. All of your companions you've met on the way stand around you in a circle.

Master Hewg stands next to Roderika with his arms crossed, Roderika smiles and bows politely.

"It's a pleasure to see you again... Sort of..." Roderika covers her mouth and giggles.

Nepheli leans her arm on Gostoc's shoulder, "You're telling me that's it? I jumped in a God damn mouth of a dragon and for what?" Nepheli scoffs teasingly, "Get the hell up, also I heard what you did to that snake guy. Don't listen to Blaidd, that was pretty fuckin rad."

Rya stands next to Lady Tanith who is guarded by a Crucible Knight, "Brave tarnished, you've still got one more fight to overcome." Rya smiles at you as she speaks gently.

Kenneth Haight stands alone and speaks in an encouraging tone, "You've taken back my fort, I have no doubt you will take the throne."

Ranni sits on top of Iji's left shoulder, "Tarnished, my plan may have failed... But you shall not..."

Alexander and the rest of the festival participants stand in a group, "You are a fine warrior, but it would be a deep shame to consume you."

Godfrey stands alone with his arms crossed, "You were a worthy opponent... The first one in a while... You have my utmost respect and the strength to bear the crown, from one Elden Lord to another."

Melina stands in front of you and continues to offer her hand to you, "and become the Elden Lord you will..."

You look around in awe before taking Melina's hand and getting back up to your feet. Master Hewg walks over to you with Roderika and hands you your sword, it glimmers brightly as if it's brand new.

"A weapon fit to fell a God." Hewg smiles as he extends the sword to you.

"Hewg... Thank you..." You smile and accept the sword.

Torrent appears behind you with a huff and nuzzles your back, urging you forward.

"Okay! Okay! God forbid I greet familiar faces." You chuckle and turn back towards Melina.

"Now, let my hand rest upon you for but a moment..." Melina extends her hand out to you with a smile.

You slowly take her hand as it begins to glow a golden aura. A deep wave of warmth is sent throughout your body, you shiver as your surroundings slowly begin to be engulfed in a wave of gold. The last thing you hear is everyone cheering you on with words of encouragement.

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