Off to Liurnia!.. Again...

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The winds of Stormveil have died down a bit since Margit has been felled. With no more detours in sight, you and Blaidd venture forth. Not for long of course, both of you are stopped by the castle gates.

"What our luck, with us constantly being stopped I'd say that the God's are against us." Blaidd snickers as he turns to you. "Any ideas?"

You both begin to think of a solution before you hear a beckoning voice call the both of you over.

"You there... Come over here, would you?"

The voice is old, tired, and raspy. You turn to Blaidd with a curious look, he shrugs as you both have no other option but to follow the voice that comes from the side of the gate. You both enter a room to see the Gatekeeper calling you both over.  Despite his fragile appearance, you both take caution when approaching him.

"You're Tarnished aren't you? I would advise against taking the main gate into the castle. It's tightly guarded by hardened old hands..."

He speaks slightly soft, just enough for the both of you to hear.

"Try the opening right here, the guards don't know about it, you'll breach the castle undetected."

Once more you and Blaidd are in a dilemma. You could trust the gatekeeper and use the large opening into the castle, or you can go against his suspicious warnings and use the main gate regardless. Blaidd turns to you with an uncertain look, he doesn't seem to trust the gatekeeper just yet.

"We'll take our chances with the main gate, see what kind of trouble it'll cause us first." Blaidd speaks up with his arm crossed.

The gatekeeper doesn't seem amused one bit, he seems rather disappointed, "Fair enough, you certainly don't have to trust me. I'll signal the gates to open when you approach them."

Blaidd nudges you over as you begin to walk away from the gatekeeper, the two of you once again approach the gate. They slowly open with the signal of the gatekeeper, nothing seems amiss so far...

"Lying old bastard." Blaidd speaks with a huffed breath and he begins to walk in without care.

"U-Uhh, Blaidd?" You reach out to him before many crossbows begin to open fire at the both of you, Blaidd swiftly jumps back to avoid the extreme amount of shots.


You take Blaidd's hand and drag him back to the side entrance. The gatekeeper laughs as he sees the still remaining shock on the both of your faces.

"Fools, I warned you. The name is Gostoc and I hope you'll think twice next time..."

Blaidd scoffs at Gostoc as you shoot the gatekeeper a sharp and fierce glare. The two of you begin to take the long way around the castle hoping to find some way to Liurnia. The both of you are met with guards, traps, and exploding barrels. Quite the predicament but nothing the two of you can't handle. After a long and fire filled journey through the castle, the two of you stumble across another Tarnished. She stands over a knight's dead body, she mutters to herself before noticing the two of you standing in the doorway.

"Well, who do we have here? Another Tarnished and what appears to be a wolf."

"Half-Wolf." Blaidd is quick to correct the warrior with a monotone voice.

"Right... Half-Wolf... Well, clearly neither of you are of Godrick's lot. I am Nepheli Loux," she extends her hand for you to shake it. Her grip is firm and aggressive, you admire her strength all whilst Blaidd watches her movements carefully.

Blaidd x Male ReaderHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin