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When Eio got hungry, Minnie-Elaine asked Alexa, which had advanced over time, to make him dinner

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When Eio got hungry, Minnie-Elaine asked Alexa, which had advanced over time, to make him dinner.

Alexa made a solid hologram of herself as a beautiful blonde woman wearing chef's clothing.

"What would you like to eat, Eio?" she asked amiably, and then, she materialized a menu from her hand and gave it to him and he looked at it. There were all sorts of food on the menu. Spaghetti, beans and rice, ramen noodles, carrot soup, honey walnut shrimp, orange chicken, chicken noodle soup, McDonald's food, chicken tenders, and more.

Minnie-Elaine came close to Eio who was looking at the menu and she said, "Keep in mind that all of the food on the menu is what we've got in our refrigerator and cupboards. Take your time on what you wanna eat. I'll eventually have to hide you from my brother before he comes home at seven o'clock tonight."

Eio didn't understand what she meant but he was too hungry to care at the moment. He thought about what he wanted to eat for a moment, then, he said, "Ramen noodles."

"Alexa, he wants ramen noodles," Minnie-Elaine announced.

Alexa smiled.

"Okay. Do you want beef or chicken?"

"Beef," Eio declared.

"Okay. Making them now."

Then, she went to the cupboard and took out the beef-flavored ramen noodles, took a pot and a measuring cup out of the cupboard and put it on the stove, took water from the refrigerator, poured it into the measuring cup at the exact ounce, poured the water in the measuring cup into the pot, and turned the stove on medium.

While this was going on, Eio, curious about what Minnie-Elaine said to him, brought up the subject in question.

"Minella, why do you have to hide me from your brother?"

Minnie-Elaine gave Eio a serious look.

"My brother doesn't know you're here. If he sees you and finds out you're an alien, he'll turn you over to ASMAN."

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