The lake reflecting them

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The rest had departed, trailing down the mountains as Oscar, Tyler, and Edgar sit in the van, two out of three bored out of their minds. Edgar silently and peacefully reads, flipping a page and chuckling a little. "So, how about a game, huh? Since everyone seems bored, am i right?" Oscar laughs awkwardly, trying to break the silence. "Can you be quiet, I'm trying to read. Not everyone is bored you know, I'm a person too" Edgar scoffs, glaring at Oscar and getting back to reading. Tyler was sitting in the passenger seat, looking out the window, sighing. "Can't you two just get along.. Edgar raises an eyebrow, turning around to look at him, as he was sitting directly behind him. Ed sighs, puting down his book. "Fine--i guess I'll attempt on playing a game..". Oscars ears perk up when he hears this, smiling and shaking Edgar. "Really?? Do you mean it!?" He stares at Edgar, who seems annoyed at this. "Quit it or ill change my mind"

"These games are childish" Edgar laughs at the suggestions from Oscar, Tyler chuckles a little as well. "Really? Truth or dare? That 'i spy' game?". Oscar goes a little red from embarrassment, looking out of the window."I-i thought it would" He pouts a little. Edgar shakes his head, sliding up his glasses a litle."Fine. I'll play your silly truth or dare game". Oscars eyes light up, "really!?" "Yes really. Now hurry it up." "Well, which do you choose?" Oscar grins, awaiting Ed's response.
"..dare i guess..?" With that, Oscar leaps upwards hitting his head on the roof of the van, "ouch."
Edgar attempts to contain his laughter, but breaks a little. "Whi...pft..what do you dare me to do?" He bites his lip, holding back the rest of his laughter as Tyler is cracking up in the front. Oscar frowns, "i dare you to walk back to the lake with me. How does that sound, hm?"

𝙼𝚒𝚍𝚜𝚞𝚖𝚖𝚎𝚛 𝚂𝚝𝚊𝚛𝚐𝚊𝚣𝚒𝚗𝚐Where stories live. Discover now