Volume 1/4

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Upon landing in the Emerald Forest, Gabriel heard Ruby's voice pierce through the serene atmosphere.

Ruby: Birdie, no!

Ignoring any potential injuries, Gabriel touched down with a practiced grace, his focus immediately drawn to the voices of Jaune and Pyrrha echoing nearby.

Jaune: Thank you!

Pyrrha: I'm sorry!

Relief flooded Gabriel as he realized Jaune was safe. With a determined stride, he ventured deeper into the forest, his senses on high alert for any signs of danger or adventure lurking amidst the verdant canopy.

He senses looked to see four Ursa Grimm charged at Gabriel. He stood his ground with him drew his sword from its sheath, the blade.

The first Ursa Grimm lunged forward, it claws slashing through the air with deadly intent, but with Gabriel precision,he parried the ursa, attacks each blow with ease until final he cut the grimm arm off

Gabriel, adopting a playful tone.

Gabriel:Sorry, guys, but this fight is just getting started. And trust me, I lead.

Despite the ferocity of the Grimm with missing arm, Gabriel remained unfazed, his focus unbroken as he effortlessly cut the grimm head off, then used his leg hit the grimm as a ball toward other grimm using it head

Gabriel: Catch told you to catch

Gabriel, his demeanor calm yet apologetic, delivered his remark with a touch of regret, although his actions belied any genuine remorse.

Gabriel:My apologies, fellas. Didn't mean to make this game a bit too one-sided. But hey, better luck next time... if there's a next time.

Gabriel sees another second and third grimm charging in between the two grimm. He slides second, grimm it body in two pieces in half

Gabriel: You guys sure are eager, but couldn't you wait your turn

Gabriel sees the third Grimm charging,behind Gabriel striking the third Grimm with the bottom of his hilt, dazing it momentarily. In one fluid motion, he swung his sword, driving it deep into the Grimm's torso, then lifted it into the air and slammed it onto the ground four times with tremendous force. With a final, powerful motion, he threw the Grimm off his blade, sending it hurtling into the wall with a resounding crash.

Gabriel: Hey, Grimm buddies! Didn't your mama teach you any manners? It's rude to interrupt a guy in the middle of his fight!

As he talked about the grimm He hurls his sword like a javelin, aiming straight for the Grimm's head.

Gabriel:Hey, you! At least have the courtesy to wait your turn next time! Sheesh, some grimms these days.

Gabriel nonchalantly retrieved his sword from the Grimm's head with a single finger, as if it were a mere inconvenience rather than a life-threatening encounter.

Gabriel cleaned his blade from the Grimm's blood and then remarked to the Grimm

Gabriel:Thanks for holding my weapon and getting it wet. Real considerate of you.

Gabriel smirked as he cleaned his blade, addressing the Grimm, and walked away, leaving the grimm disappearing

Gabriel paused, his attention drawn to the ominous black smoke billowing in the distance, likely caused by the fire he had seen earlier in the sky.

(Grimm howling in the distance)

He rubbed his chin thoughtfully, pondering the events unfolding beyond his current location.

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