Chapter 18

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Chay is in that room. It is a mandatory visit to his mom just as his Hia commanded. To be honest, he hates it. He probably hates her too.

Can she really be called mom?

Chay doesn't know her. She left before Chay could perform a memory about and with her. She is just a stranger that Porsche forces down his throat to be called Mom.

But he loves his Hia and it makes his Hia sad when he refuses to see her. So here he is, looking outside the window while the room is as quiet as a graveyard.

"I heard you are with that boy," a woman's voice is speaking. Chay turns his head to the only person in the room. "That satan boy."

Now he raises his brows. She's talking about Kim, he knows, but she still refuses to make eye contact with Chay.

"I don't want you with him. Your Hia is also worried. Sick with worry. Angry. Hopeless."

Chay guesses Porsche had talked about his love life with his crazy mom. Anger shimmers inside of him, for whom he doesn't know, maybe for both, but he stays quiet, not wanting to cause trouble.

"I don't want you with that boy," Namphueng repeats. "Same as his father. Cuts from the same cloth. Different from Kinn. Distrustful. He will hurt you."

That rambling is repeated over and over until Chay cuts it.

"Stop talking about my life like you know it."

That gets Namphueng to actually see him, standing tall at the other side of the room with hands clutched on the side of his body.

"You don't know shit," Porchay says and closes it with a polite, "Mam," before he exits the room.


Kim is scarce after the library scene. He's diligently sending messages and calls, but it's just not the same. Chay totally needs Kim to fill the void in his schedule after school is abandoned for an undisclosed time and that incident with his 'mom'.

So when Cau asked him to go hang out at a mall in one of the most luxurious districts in Bangkok, Chay agreed in a heartbeat. The problem is he doesn't think his money can cover the luxurious lifestyle Macau wants them to hang out in and he feels bad if Macau covers it for him like he almost always does.

He also feels strange to ask Kim and doesn't want to bother since his boyfriend is busy.

So, there is only one option left: his Hia.

He still has the credit card that Hia gave him for London. But he still feels he needs to ask permission to use it for this kind of use. He knows Macau will probably wreck his card again and he doesn't want Macau to feel obligated to buy things for him too.

Chay doesn't want to, honestly. He still can't get passed the anger he felt when he knew Porsche was talking about Kim with his mom. He just shoved it to the back of his mind, doesn't want to deal with it now.

Chay knocks on the door of Kinn and Porsche's room carefully. It takes a moment before Kinn opens the door with a bright surprised smile. "What's up, Chay?" he says as he brings Chay to his friendly embrace. "Come in, come in."

Kinn ushers him to the emerald green sofa in the room. "Your Hia is taking a bath. So wait a moment, ok? Or do you want to talk to me instead?"

Chay contemplates his choices. Hia probably will be angry if he goes behind his back and asks Kinn for money. "I'll wait for both of you to be here."

Kinn gives an understanding smile. "Oh, ok. I'll tell Porsche to hurry up then." He leaves Chay alone and seeks Porsche in the bathroom.

Chay wishes his Hia and Kinn were more like Vegas and Pete. Vegas was cold at the beginning of their meeting and Chay was terrified as shit every time their eyes met. But then they grew closer because Pete and he regularly visited London for Macau, and Vegas became like another brother to him, sometimes more than Porsche as his Hia rarely can spend time with him.

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