Chapter 2

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Chay doesn't know how many hours have passed since Porsche left. Someone brought a full-on breakfast and set it on the table, but Chay didn't even look at it, let alone touch it. The coffee is alluring but he didn't have the will to get out of bed. The same maid was asking him politely if he wanted the curtain to be open. He just hummed his approval. Turns out, it was raining outside. So he watched the bits of water falling until he fell asleep again.

He peeks at the clock in front of him. Two o'clock. Too late for lunch. But does he want to have lunch to begin with?

Chay sighs.

What is he doing? His head is a jungle of mess. He just can't shake the image of a guy with messy hair who rescued him when the Tawan kidnapping happened from his head. The same guy who was capable of raising fluttery feelings inside of him is also the same guy who can be the angel of death.

He knows being in this house is a wrong move from the start. Shouldn't even 'come home'. There is no home to come to in the first place. His old home is 'unhabitable', Porsche said.

Maybe he should persuade Porsche to let him move out from here. It can still be near or he can move to Macau's house. Anywhere, just not here.

Yes, the house is splendid, beyond his imagination of the rich's house. This house has 10 levels, 7 up and 3 down, has spa service, three functional gardens, one hidden garden to hide, two outdoor (one on the rooftop) swimming pools, one outside swimming pool, a shooting area, a track for running, small ambush training ground, and three massive kitchens with professional chefs, all around maid service, the list goes on with the secret parts of the house.

A wet dream for boys.

But there is a lingering heaviness here.  Plus that guy still calls this massive thing a home or at least his house.

He rounds that thought while bathing and getting ready. His brother will freak out if he knows Chay won't eat. Porsche fussing will only mean bigger fusses will come from Kinn and Takhun. There is no way he wants to be babied again.

His legs find their way to the employee's dining room. He asks the chef if the food is still available. The answer is of course, yes. His status in this house is a 'Khun'. If the kitchen runs out the food, they will make a new one for him. The chef asks if he wants the food to be heated. He refuses. He just wants evidence of his eating, whether the food is hot or cold is not important.

He looks around for the CCTV camera and sits in the exact place that is exposed to it. He looks at his food. It is appetizing but eating feels like a task right now. Before he can put it in his mouth, his ear picks up a conversation from the table next to him, they just got there. New guys, he supposes, as he had never seen them before.

"Khun Kim wiped out a rival gang again," one says. The other let out a whistle, admiring. "That guy is a cold-blooded beast."

The mention of the guy is making him freeze, but his ears still perk up to listen.

"Yeah, he practically makes our territory bigger by 20% in a year. That is something."

"Well, nothing shackles him anymore as Khun Korn is ill now."


Chay knows the state of illness of Khun Korn from Porsche. Doctors said it was the overwhelming stress that made him unable to function as normal again after he was coma. Heart attack, they said, but Chay said it was karma biting him in the heart.

He blackmailed his children. Kill his brother. Kidnapped and hid his adoptive sister.

Karma never forgets nor lazy.

"I'm glad I'm stationed here. Just think about those guys under him, I heard he works them good for their money."

"But think about all the actions, man! It must be all over the world. One of my friends is directly under him as a personal bodyguard. He said Khun Kim is hardly talking or sleeping. If he isn't taking care of the family matter, he spends it in his studio."

Hm, that can't be good, Chay thinks. But hey, not his problem anymore.

Then the alarm blared, making the two guys scurry away leaving his food.

Somebody important is coming.

Chay knows that much. He had heard this type of alarm before when he was living here before London. This is an influential old money house, all sorts of important people come here. Politicians, businessmen, king pins, or anything in between.

His phone is vibrating. Macau.

"Hey, stupid face. Wanna come to my house and play some games?"

"I don't know. I must ask Hia first."

"Don't bother," Macau says. "P'Pete already asks him. Your hia is okeing." Porsche will always agree if Pete is the one who asked. Sometimes, he gets in trouble with Kinn because of it. A jealous boyfriend is dangerous.

"Cool," Chay smiles for the first time today. "Let me just grab the presents for him and P'Vegas first, ok?"

"Sure, sure. Just hurry your ass here. I'm about to die out of boredom here."

Chay laughs and runs to his room again. He puts on his hoodie and puts the presents in his old school bag before running to the first floor again. By the time he gets there, the bodyguards already are lining up, performing two neat lines.

He tucks his hoodie deeper, consoling his eyes from them. Bad day to go out unnoticed.

There is a commotion outside the main door and everybody stands straighter. He can feel fear and excitement in the air. Just who ...

His question is answered when he sees the guy walking in. In an all-black attire: black shirt, black jeans, and black leather jacket. His hair is styled in a tight bun, revealing a neat buzz cut.

Chay can't look away even if he wants to. Kim's eyes find his in a split second as he enters the house. Deep sharp black eyes that haunt his dreams and nightmares. It all feels in slow motion.

He doesn't say anything, just keeps on walking. Not even acknowledge Chay is there.
Kim gives a small nod to someone behind him.

And just like that, their first meeting in a year passes.

Chay let out a breath. He doesn't know he held it in the first place.

He sadly smiles. They said first love is a bitch to get over with. Chay guesses it is true.

He resumes his walk. A car with Big beside it is already waiting for him with an open door.

"Khun Chay," Big greets him with a small smile.

"I'll take the bus," Chay says, continuing his walk in the direction of the gate. Big hinders him from walking further. The older guy shakes his head. Chay draws an annoyed chuckle.

"Do you want me to die, Khun Chay?"

"What? Of course not!" Chay is offended by that question.

"Then get in the car. Because I assure you, your stubbornness can cause somebody's life. He doesn't play when it comes to you."

Chay is confused. "Who? My brother?" Porsche will be angry, yes, but not to the point of killing somebody.

Big doesn't answer. He gives a nod to a car behind them. Four men entered the car.

"Are they with us?" Chay asks, with a high-pitched voice. "You got to be kidding me! I'm just going to Cau's house!"

Big, once again, stays silent. His hand is still on the door of the car, waiting silently for Chay to get inside.

Chay sighs angrily but gets inside the car. What choice does he have?


Idk whether I want to put full-blown smut(s) or not here. This a new land for me. Let me know what you think about that.

MIDNIGHT DAYDREAMTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon