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Mira's pov

Outside the guild at midnight


"Only one what?" Confusion covers my face.

"The only one who will know who I am." The person steps foward and drops the hood from their cloak. Long blond locks fall out of the hood. I finally get a good look at the person behind the cloak.


Is this really happening? What is she doing here? I stood there in shock, my hand covering my gaping mouth.

"Mira." Lucy had tears in her eyes as she looked at me in adirmation.

"How are you even here? How are you even alive?" I ran to her and pulled her in for a tight hug. She sobbed in my arms, falling to pieces at my touch.

"You don't want to know. But I'm here. I made it!" Her eyes glassy as she thought of what she went through. I didn't want to push her I just held her tight, waiting for her to let go when she was ready.

"Are you staying?" I asked her quietly.

"I hope so. Will you have me?" She said with pain in her voice.

"Of course peach. Come here." A pang of hurt ran through me. She thought I wouldn't want her?

"Come on you can stay with me tonight and we will figure out the rest tomorrow." I brushed through her hair, soothing her.


The next day

At the guild in 3rd pov


The guild is lively even this early in the morning. Guild members are coming and going on jobs and just starting their days. Mirajane opens the doors and welcomes in herself and a Lucy following closely behind. Most are too tired to notice the blonde following behind Mira. They go to find Master Makarov to let him know what happened the night prior. Heading up to Makarov's office Lucy halts.

"Is this really okay?"

"Of course peach. Fairytail is family."

They make to his doors and Mirajane knocks. A faint welcome is heard from the other side of the door and they make their way inside.

"Good morning Mira- and who might this be with you?" He smiles lightly to Lucy that still hides behind Mirajane.

"Gramps this is Lucy. She will be joining fairytail."

"Well we would love to have you! I trust Mirajane to make you comfortable here. She will help you with your insignia."

"Of course Gramps. Thank you!"

They leave his office and Mirajane takes Lucy to get her insignia. They walk through the halls and a few people start to notice the shadow following behind Mira.

"Alright. What color and where would you like your guild mark?"

"I think pink on my right hand."

Mirajane finishes up with that and they head to the bar to introduce her to the guild. Mira makes her way behind the bar and Lucy sits at the seat in front of her. Many of the guildmates are already at the bar and the guild is buzzing with people and the news of a new member. Then Natsu and Happy enter the guild. They are laughing and joking loudly to each other when Natsu catches the scent of someone new with a peculiar smell. He runs over to the bar.

"Mirajane who's the newbie?"

"This is Lucy everybody!" She yells to the guild knowing the nosy guildmates are curious.

Mirajane walks over to Lucy and puts an arm around her to put her at ease. Everyone smiles and laughs to each other. A few yell hellos and whistles follow a couple of them.

"Lucy how do you know Mira?" A loud voice cuts through the noise.

Lucy looks to Mira for guidance. Mirajane nods to her letting her tell them the truth of their relationship.

"She is uhh my sister." Lucy says shakily, obviously nervous from all the eyes on her.

Chatter crashes through the guild. Yelling fills the room. Natsu stands looking confused in front of the two sisters. Gray and Erza have joined Natsu in shock.

"SISTER?!?!" Several people shout throughout the guild.

"You guys are scaring her! Yes she is my sister. We will explain everything later. For now let her be she's been through a lot." Mirajane screamed to the guild.

Everyone stopped in their tracks allowing her to talk. Mira rarely yells so this grabbed their attention quick and everyone calmed quickly going back to a normal tone. Gray, Natsu, and Erza still stand in front of the two confused.

"Mira you have Elfman and Lisanna. You never told us about Lucy." Gray finally speaks up for the three of them.

"Well if we want to be honest I thought she was dead. Everything happened when we were young. I don't even think Elfman and Lisanna remember her. But they are out on a job at the moment so don't tell them okay?" Mirajane explains flatly

"Even so this is a wonderful reunion Mira. It's a pleasure to meet you Lucy. I'm Erza Scarlett, a requip mage." Erza bows her head to Lucy.

"I'm obviously Lucy. I'm a celestial wizard mainly."

"I don't sense any magic coming from you though. How are you a wizard?" Natsu questions Lucy in an almost accustory tone.

"Natsu!" Mirajane and Erza both scold him at his tone. "It's okay. It's a fair question. I use a couple of power dampeners."

"Why would you need those?" Gray asks and Natsu nods in agreement. "Uhh it's a bit of a long story I will tell you eventually." Lucy huddles into Mira a bit more, not used to so much attention.

"Well then fight me!" Natsu yells to Lucy. Erza smacks Natsu at his comment. Mirajane chuckles at the encounter. "Okay." Lucy agrees to everyone's surprise. "Really? He's pretty annoying I wouldn't entertain him." Gray says to Lucy.

"Are you looking to start a fight ice princess?!" Natsu glares at Gray. "What if I am Pyro?" Gray and Natsu fly towards each other and it takes one look from Erza to stop them dead in their tracks.


Outside the guild


A crowd of people surround Natsu and Lucy now. Natsu showing a toothy grin in amusement to Lucy's agreement. Lucy stands with a small smirk as well.

"Lucy please don't kill him." Mirajane yells over the crowd to Lucy. "Don't worry the power dampeners really help!" Natsu laughs a deep belly laugh at the comment. "Now I'm all fired up!" Natsu slams a fist into his open hand and Lucy widens her stance.

"Are you sure you're ready for this Loonie?" Natsu says smugly

"Are you?"


I hope you enjoy the chapter and can already see the improvement in the story.



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