OPERATOR: Did you feel any sudden shaking?

CALLER #1: Yes!

OPERATOR: Are the entrance and stall doors intact? Did you feel vibrations or pulsing?

CALLER #1: No, but all of the doors shook. The stall doors were shaking really hard. The hinges [. . .] It was like an earthquake.

OPERATOR: Okay. Can you see any smoke or debris from where you are?

CALLER #1: I think [STATIC] I see some smoke from the windows at the top of the bathroom. I can't tell, they're not open all the way!

OPERATOR: Okay, remain where you are. Do not try to move from your location, okay? We'll find you [. . .] Can you tell me if you saw anyone walk onto school property before you entered the bathroom?

CALLER #1: No, no, I didn't see anyone. I was already inside when I heard everything.

OPERATOR: Alright, and you said it was someone as in one person?

CALLER #1: I think so, yes. I only heard one person [. . .] I don't know for sure.

OPERATOR: Do you still hear gunshots?

CALLER #1: Yeah, but they're far. I think they're coming from the west wing. I can't tell.

OPERATOR: Have you heard them near your location?

CALLER #1: No, I haven't heard them around here.

OPERATOR: Okay, and you said you're alone, correct?

CALLER #1: Yes.

OPERATOR: Are you injured?

CALLER #1: No.

OPERATOR: Okay [. . .] Mikey, I need you to do me a favor. I need you to go out and check if there is anyone else nearby. Can you do that for me?

CALLER #1: I don't [. . .] I think so. I'm so f-fucking scared.

OPERATOR: I understand, Mikey, but we have units on their way, okay? You will be fine, you just have to stay calm and answer my questions [. . .] Please, can you go out and check if there is anyone else nearby?

CALLER #1: Y-yeah, I can try.

OPERATOR: Good. You're doing great, Mikey. Just stay focused and remain calm, okay? You're doing fantastic. We'll get you out of there as soon as possible.

CALLER #1: Thank you [STATIC]

OPERATOR: Mikey, do you see anyone?

CALLER #1: I think I see someone lying outside. I can't tell.

OPERATOR: Can you tell if they're injured?

CALLER #1: I think so. I don't know. Fuck, I can't tell! I think I see blood?

OPERATOR: Male or female?

CALLER #1: Male [. . .] I think he's hurt!

OPERATOR: Do you recognize him?

CALLER #1: Yeah, I think so. His name is [REDACTED]. He's a senior.

OPERATOR: Okay, is [REDACTED] the only person within your vicinity?

CALLER #1: Yeah, everyone else is gone, I think.

OPERATOR: Alright, Mikey, I need you to do one more thing, okay? If there's little risk involved, I need you to check [REDACTED] to make sure he's responsive. Can you do this for me?

CALLER #1: Yeah. Yeah, I can try.

OPERATOR: Thank you. Just remain calm. You'll be okay.

CALLER #1: [. . .] He's still breathing.

OPERATOR: Is he conscious?

CALLER #1: Yeah, yeah, he's looking at me right now.

OPERATOR: Okay, can you tell me where his injuries are?

CALLER #1: [. . .] Left shoulder, middle finger [. . .] I think he was shot in the back somewhere, but I can't tell. I'll hurt him if I turn him over.

OPERATOR: Mikey, I need you to check his injuries. It's important that we know exactly where he was struck.

CALLER #1: Fuck!

OPERATOR: Mikey? Are you there?

CALLER #1: Yes! Yes, I'm here. He's just [. . .] There's so much fucking blood, oh my god.

OPERATOR: Can you tell me where his back injury is located?

CALLER #1: Lower back. I think it went through.

OPERATOR: What went through?

CALLER #1: The fucking bullet, what else?

OPERATOR: Mikey, stay calm. Does he have any other injuries?

CALLER #1: No, just there [. . .] I-I'm sorry, God, I'm just so fucking scared!

OPERATOR: I know, Mikey, but I am here for you, okay? The police will be there any moment now. Just stay on the line for as long as you can.

CALLER #1: I know, I know, I know. Fuck! [. . .] Fuck, someone's coming!

OPERATOR: Mikey, is everything okay?

CALLER #1: Someone's coming, oh fuck! [. . .] I have to go. I have to go!

OPERATOR: Mikey, stay on the line. Just remain calm. Everything will be alright. Can you tell me if you see anyone?

CALLER #1: I can't [. . .] I have to go. Fuck!

OPERATOR: Mikey? Hello? Mikey, are you there? Can you hear me?



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DATE OF ENTRY: 06/01/2009

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 27 ⏰

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