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This is the shortest chapter in this book.

Sheenie Beanie (Sheen/Robert)
I've been in the fandom for more then a year and to be isn't bad.
I'm not sure why I'm simping for a green, pissed off cat, but here I am.
All I'm going to say is it's his voice. And if you've watched Bedfellow's before, you know what I'm talking about.
I'm very aware I'm weird for simping for him. Yes, I'm self aware.
I honestly dont even care anymore.
And no, I'm not a zoophile. It's his voice that I'm attracted too, So shut up.

I need something short to publish sence I haven't published anything for like a month straight. More chapters coming soon!

Word count: 124

Character's I Simp for | REMAKE |Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat