PT3: Broken heart

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Tails was looking for sonic ... the weather soon turned to be rainy and cold ... tails must find his brother before it's too late ...

Tails: SONIC!! WHERE ARE YOU??!! SONIC!!!....

Tails fall from a cliff in the end of his path ... his left arm got scratched and bleeding ...the weather is getting more stronger ....

Sonic was hiding behind the bushes ... sobbing ... He didn't meant to be that offensive to sally but he can't control himself...after couple of minutes ... tails wasn't able to see his path from how the wind goes .. the rain is also getting stronger as well... 

Sonic heard someone coming to him ... he took a look to see that tails is hiding to freedom forest... he immediately zipped to grab him and went outside from there ...


Tails: I couldn't see my path... 

Sonic: And why are you looking for me... I don't wanna come back...*crossed arms and looking down*

Tails: Sonic .. i had come all the way under the tough weather to look for you... I won't let you alone.. and I'm sorry for letting you alone with her.. 

Sonic: *looks at tails's arm* wait... IS YOUR ARM BLEEDING???

Tails: it's ok!! Seriously it's a little scratchy.. you don't have to worry about it..

Sonic: *sighs and grabs tails's hand and goes faster to the base* 

Sonic entered the rest room ... then went to get some bandages to treat tails's arm ... 

Tails: sonic... I'm fine .. seriously ...

Sonic: let me just cover it up ... please...

Tails: fine...alright ...

After 10 minutes 

Sonic: is that good?..

Tails: yeah .. it'll make the blood stop flowing ... thanks 

Sonic: glad .. to hear that... *tears coming from his eyes with a smile and looking down*

Tails: buddy... are you alright..?

Sonic: Yes..

Tails: you mean "no" ... 

Sonic: yes...i mean that..

Tails: listen .. are you still mad at her?...i can say the only thing that i can be sure off is that you didn't "delete" her watch number from yours ... when I first create them 4 years ago...

Sonic: you know that...

Tails: i've been watching your watch ringing about sally in the past few days but you're just shutting her calls ...

Sonic: ........I'm still thinking of her...ok?....but I can't forgive her...

Tails: then...why don't you show respect to her?'s ok if you won't forgive her i bet she'll understand why... but you two really need to chat ... both of you wanna see the other and you want to be friends again but you don't know how...

Sonic: that's feelings for that...

Tails: your eyes can tell me that...

Sonic: *rubbing his arm*....

Tails: i'll be with you this time ... I promise 

Sonic: ...really?...

Tails: yes.. really..

Sonic: alright...

After that sonic and tails went this time together to sally ... tails asked amy about sally and he said that she's busy calling her parents ... then he went to tell sonic ... tails went to his workshop and sonic followed him ... Sonic was only seating alone watching tails working ... then he felt bored and went back to the base ... 

he only stand in front of the gates only watching the night .. the moon .. and the stars too... he was completely alone ... after a period of time ... sally went outside ... she got shocked from seeing sonic is standing there...only watching the sky...and his ears down ...

She was afraid of coming closer to him .. but she did ... sonic noticed her ... he looked for a second at her then rolled his eyes ... sally started to speak ...

Sally: h-hey ...

Sonic: ......

Sally: listen ... i know what you're feeling about...

Sonic: tell me..

Sally: huh?...

Sonic: tell me..what i feel..

Sally: i see you sorrowful ... and your heart is full of hate .. to me... your actions can tell that.. you don't even look at me ... you're heart broken... I know .. you can't forget the past ... 

Sonic: i hope you're happy about that...

Sally: I'm .. not.. and i'm aware of what i had done to you ...

Sonic: say it...

Sally: what?...

Sonic: ADMIT about your deeds ... tell me what did you feel about them...

Sally: *rubbing her arm* ........ alright ...


To be Continued...

𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐮𝐧𝐰𝐚𝐧𝐭𝐞𝐝 𝐅𝐫𝐢𝐞𝐧𝐝Where stories live. Discover now