Chapter 11: A Day Out.

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-Scene opens to a couple of days after Blake arrived at the Hotel. Blake woke up after a cozy and peaceful night on the Hotels bed in the guests room, as he gets out of bed he begins stretching, and goes out of the room to get a Coffee. When he makes his way to the Lobby, he sees Husk asleep on the bar with an empty bottle of booze spilled on the floor. He walked into the kitchen to make a Coffee, but as he was about to make the Coffee, he checks the time and sees its 6:00 AM. Blake was rather surprised by this as he usually gets up at 4:00 AM, He decided to brush it off and finishes making his coffee, and sits down to drink it. He checks out the news on his phone, showing Verosika Mayday posting rumors that she is in fact in a relationship with someone, but won't spill the "Tea". As He scrolls through his phone Charlie shows up with shriveled hair, and Baggy eyes. Blake sees her and eyes her up and down before speaking up-

Blake: Jeez, what were YOU doin' all night? -when he spoke the girl jumped as she didn't see him there, causing him to almost spill his Coffee-

Charlie: -Blushes madly- O-o-o-oh Blake, we um... Did-didn't see you there *laughs sheepishly*

Blake: -raises an eyebrow- Did you and Vaggie even get any sleep last night?

Charlie: *yawns* She did, but I was filling out paperwork after that whole Incident with Katie Killjoy. Apparently she is suing me for damaged property.

Blake: Wait a minute... The same Katie Killjoy, that interviewed Carmilla Carmine a couple of months ago?

Charlie: Uh...yeah. Wait, you heard of her? -her shifts immediately shifts to a confused look-

Blake: Carmilla was one of my clients... Fuckin' bitch wouldn't shut up, Carmilla was there for an interview, and she went to make it an interrogation. -pinches the bridge of his nose and drinks his coffee-

Charlie: Well, her name IS Katie Killjoy. I haven't really had the greatest experience with her. -rubs her arm while looking down as Blake looks concerned- When I told people about the purpose of this Hotel, everyone laughed at me and thought it was stupid. When I told her that Angle Dust was a guest, I found out he was at a Turf war with his friend Cherri Bomb. She decided to degrade me by calling me a miserable failure, then I though it would be smart to call her a bitch... and a fight MAY have broken out.

-Blake chuckles as Charlie says the last part, Charlie looks puzzled at this and Blake just puts his phone down-

Blake: Honestly, I think the Bitch had it coming. -before Charlie could defend her case Blake put a finger on her lips to stop her from talking, as she blushes from the touch- If you want to do something, do it. If people want to make you feel bad, prove 'em wrong, alright?

-Charlie nods slowly as Blake takes his finger way from her lips and finishes his coffee before washing it-

Blake: Well, I'm going to go put some normal clothes on. If you need help around the hotel By the way, let me know.

-walks away and checks his phone to see has sent a photo of Sallie May about to go visit Millie in the Pride Ring, Blake smiles as he sees the photo and decides to take a picture and send it to her and texting "Hope you guys have fun" before he makes his way to his room-

-a couple of minutes later, Blake is dressed and Keekee hops on his shoulder as he rubs her cheek on his as Blake scratches behind her ear and her tail hangs off his back-

-a couple of minutes later, Blake is dressed and Keekee hops on his shoulder as he rubs her cheek on his as Blake scratches behind her ear and her tail hangs off his back-

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