Garry in: Bounty Hunting (Attempt 4)

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Garry is seen sitting a small restaurant, on a stool at the window counters.

Garry: How does she do it? It should be so easy to bag 'er, she's a damn sore thumb anywhere she goes. And yet, the lil' Jobby always manages ta slip away from everyone.
???: Look over here, hm?
Garry: I best get back to bounty huntin' so make it-

The moment Garry turned over, he was staring at the cyan haired target he was just complaining about. His eyes escaped his sockets as he screamed in alarm.

Koronova: You're never getting my bounty~
Garry: AAAAAAAA... (Cough) You... Ya know that's pure riddy, ya walloping cow!
Barkeep: Shut it!

Garry is abruptly struck on the head with a metal container, knocking him silly. Thankfully, his eyes fixed themselves.

Koronova: Good riddance.

She kicks him with one of her high-heeled Gravity Boots, striding off afterward. Meanwhile, the barkeep just watches her leave.


Some time later...

Koronova is seen entering an alleyway, going pretty far in.

Koronova: He's getting bolder. Angrier. If I relied on his ego being his downfall, I'd be apprehended before he could say "Antidote".

The bodysuit-wearing fighter grabs at a spot in her hair.

Koronova: Someone has to get him to abandon targeting me. But how?

The cyan hair is slowly removed, revealing slightly shorter blonde hair. While this occurs, the gold-rimmed goggles deactivate, falling in the vigilante's other hand.

Koronova: He won't listen to me, no matter who I present myself as.

Once the wig's fully off, a silhouette of a similar hairstyle, albeit with ruffled locks reassembling cat ears is shown. These are fixed a bit by the now unmasked, but concealed Vigilante.

Akari: That level of madness... Just wake up, Garry. Quit while you're ahead.
Meanwhile, Seb, Binx, Cherry, and Aria are playing UNO.

Binx: UNO!
Seb: Tengo diez cartas y...

Seb writes the words "All +4 cards on my deck" under the table, and his cards are transformed into a bunch of +4 cards.

Seb: Sorry for this one, Aria:

Seb puts down one of his "+4"'s on the deck.

Aria: You don't have to worry about that, Seb. It's a game.
Cherry: You won't be saying that after my turn!
Binx: I see why you say game night with Cherry's a nightmare.
Seb: She somehow managed to get "Antidisestablishmentarianism" in Scrabble.
Cherry: Antidisestablesh- Antidisestablismentarism- That one's a tongue twister too.
Garry: Oooh... my neck...

The hairless toothpick gets up, groaning. He was tossed into a dumpster for causing  a commotion in that restaurant.

Garry: Tha' bleedin' git...

Garry wanders the alleyway for a bit, in an attempt to regain his bearings, proceeding to hit a wall corner as he did.


Garry punches the corner of the wall, only to scream in pain.

Garry: AAAGGH!

Garry storms off to a building with the abbreviation "M.I.R.A." On the top of the doorway.

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