Escape Rooms Incorrect Quotes

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PC: Alright, so I challenged you to make the best recipe for Ruby and I, let's see how everyone did. Remember! If you surprise me, you can't be killed for the next two challenges.

PC goes to Psy's pot of spaghetti, and tastes a bit.

PC: Slightly crispy, good texture, not bad... a 7/10.
Psy: Better than completely failing.

Ruby walks over to Genesis' plate of steak, and cuts a piece.

Ruby: Not bad. Is this... medium well?
Genesis: Yep.
Ruby: Got it.

PC gives Seb a death stare, suspecting that the shortie did something to prank them, or his food would explode.

PC: What do you have?

Seb takes out the Seb Plushy, who raises his hands, and summons bowls, which fill with soups of all kinds. Chicken, Plain, Minestrone, etc.

PC: ...
Seb: What?
PC: You cannot expect me to believe that you made every type of known soup in the span of an hour.
Seb: Well... I did.
PC: Okay then.
PC: ...And that's everything for this challenge. Any questions?
Genesis: I feel like someone crammed the lore of the Kingdom Hearts Series into my head...
Jamie: I cannot figure out half the rules here.
Seb: (Is asleep)
Ruby: Yeah, those are pretty complex. I don't know how to even simplify it.
Estella: If my head hurts listening to this, I can't imagine what it'd be like if I had to learn all of the Dark Souls lore...
Psy: I feel like this time doing PC's challenges, unlike the last one, has brought on a lot of living plushies.
Jamie: What do you mean?
PC Doll, Coral, and Seb Plushy: 'Sup.
Jamie: Oh. Well, at least Ski's plushies don't come alive.
Ozzy: Things I hate: One) Lists, and Two) Irony.
Seb: But you just caused an ironic scenario.

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